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Thread: I'm Liking the look of DE Razors Lately

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Hi all,
    Thanks so much for the advice, very much appreciated. I found a Gillette Three Piece that I like the look of, I spent a LONG time looking (too long) and found on close inspection a lot of the razors were pretty shabby. I'd like a vintage DE rather than a new for the same reasons I like vintage everything else (history, the energy has already been put into it (environmentally friendly, i.e. re-using instead of throwing away and making another), etc). I understand though that I'll need to be careful about what I buy. How does this look:
    eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d

    I'll take the advice and stay away from vintage blades.

    Would the experts advice a three piece or a TTO (is that what they're known as)? Is an adjustable DE a good idea or not worth the bother (more moving parts to 'stuff up')?
    Way to expensive for a common Gillette Tech, I think. Techs are rather mild shavers aswell, in my opinion. Not much more than a tenner, I would say... Check the uk Ebay, there you'll most likley get them cheaper.

  2. #12
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Great, thanks for the advice, Mikael, I think I know what I'm getting then; a Muhle 89R from a VERY nice fellow I know...
    I think I've worked out where I should be shopping.... :-)
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  3. #13
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I want to get a 'Goodfella' Black Satin DE if I get another one. Nearest thing to Aussie made...It's from Un-Zud...That's right our Kiwi cousins bring it out, and it's a nice looking razor as well. Why does that seem to surprise me?! Oh that's right, because it comes from Un-Zud!


  4. #14
    Senior Member otherstar's Avatar
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    Ah...the Merkur Futur! I have one in polished chrome and I use it about 95 percent of the time and I have for the last 2 years. I just started using straights a few months ago and I'm still primarily using them on the weekends when I have more time. Personally, I think the Futur is one of the best designed DE razors out there.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Hi all,
    Thanks so much for the advice, very much appreciated. I found a Gillette Three Piece that I like the look of, I spent a LONG time looking (too long) and found on close inspection a lot of the razors were pretty shabby. I'd like a vintage DE rather than a new for the same reasons I like vintage everything else (history, the energy has already been put into it (environmentally friendly, i.e. re-using instead of throwing away and making another), etc). I understand though that I'll need to be careful about what I buy. How does this look:
    eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d

    I'll take the advice and stay away from vintage blades.

    Would the experts advice a three piece or a TTO (is that what they're known as)? Is an adjustable DE a good idea or not worth the bother (more moving parts to 'stuff up')?
    I love the ability that the gillette slim gives me with different blades. basically I can make almost any blade a superb shaver. that being said, My EJ barley with the new head is an awesome razer.
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  6. #16
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    I love the ability that the gillette slim gives me with different blades. basically I can make almost any blade a superb shaver. that being said, My EJ barley with the new head is an awesome razer.
    I can't wait for the Muhle 89R, they look very cool and are reportedly very nice shavers. I know I'll feel like a deserter from the SR side, but I think I'll choose a day of the week to use the DE or do it randomly at will. Maybe just Mondays? Maybe Saturdays? Not Sundays, that's reserved for the Klas Törnblom, the Burrell is used when my 'edges' need attention and the W&B is when I need a rest from the Burrell (as the W&B is very smooth and 'soft'. Can you have a DE in a seven day 'set'???
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  7. #17
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Why not?! I do!


  8. #18
    Still a Beginner. planetocean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I want to get a 'Goodfella' Black Satin DE if I get another one. Nearest thing to Aussie made...It's from Un-Zud...That's right our Kiwi cousins bring it out, and it's a nice looking razor as well. Why does that seem to surprise me?! Oh that's right, because it comes from Un-Zud!


    Yeah, I like mine without the black top and it is the razor that lead me into proper wet shaving techniques and now into the world of straights. The Goodfella is the razor that got the ball rolling for me. Before this razor I was using a cartridge on a pivoting stick with goop out of a tube or can.

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  9. #19
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, I try to reserve one day a week for the double edge, or use it when rushed for time. Of course, I love the straight, but I also love the double edge. From my modest collection of double edge razors those that I keep out in the racks include Pils, Feather, EJ "Chatsworth" barley, Gillette Aristocrat and Fat Boy.

    Also in the rack is a 1965 Gillette Super Speed flare tip for the dearly beloved. I think I have convinced her to abandon the cartridge razors. Another Aristocrat and the rest of the Gillettes are stashed away in the closet.

    I change blades every three shaves. After each shave the blade is removed, the razor rinsed, dried and put in the rack. For the next double edge shave I use a different razor. This way the razors are rotated so that they don't feel left out — because razors have feelings, too, you know?

    So, yes, gentlemen, there is a certain sweetness to the double edge razor. For me, also a sip of nostalgia for the days of my youth when I used the double edge exclusively.

    Stay well.
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  10. #20
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Sounds like a plan, Obie, I think I'll make mine Saturday...
    Now I'll have to study the DE forum to learn how to use it right. Already I'm wondering if one uses one side of the blade on one side of the face and the other on the other side...That ALSo sounds like a plan :-)
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