Just came across this thread. VERY interesting discussion going on. Just thought I'd throw my hat into the ring as well.

I'm a week-end straight user as well. Still trying to get the hang of it....but it's a ton of fun in the learning process. Anyhow, I'm a big vintage DE fan and have a size-able collection. But my two favourites are both Gillette OC's - a 1928 new improved from their "Richwood" set and a 1938 Senator. I use the Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum Black "Ninja" blades from India. Usually can get a BBS with 4 passes.

I have recently acquired a Single-Edge Ever Ready "Lather Catcher" from around 1912 (I think). Holy Cow!! I got a great BBS shave on 3 passes. Got a few weepers, though, by not paying close enough attention.