Here's my 2cents.....which have been stated in someway here already most likely but here goes.....


There are ppl that LOVE the shave they get from "THE" $6 razor, I wouldn't know don't have one or want one, but you end up having to do a bunch of work to get them there so is it worth it? This is a YMWV thing. There are also ppl that say their $1000+ Livi is the best shave possible, I wouldn't know I dont have one YET ;-)!!

Here's what I DO know.....

There are TWO things that are CRITICAL to getting the best shave possible....(in order of importance, IMO)
1) Technique, Technique, TECHNIQUE!!!
2) A TRULY shave ready razor (quality steel does make this easier to achieve but as I stated above there are ppl that achieve SR on crappy steal and good on 'em if they want and can do that)

Those things said do I enjoy the shave more when I use my more expensive razors? SOMETIMES! but I also really love the shave from the first razor I bought, which was about $20 off the bay, that I had hone by Lynn. It's not a pretty as my Minty DD Goldedge and won't ever be but as long a I use good technique in the preshave, the shave and the post shave it's still a great shave! It also won't be as pretty as the Maxtom custom I have on order, which I'm sure will give an AMAZING shave if my technique is there and the edge is kept shave ready!

Also, unless you are buying a brand NEW razor the value is ever changing. All the guys that have Filarmonica razors that they bought before the prices hit the moon get the same shave as all the guys spending $300-$800 on the same razors so it's really a YMWV situation.

It's really all how much you like the look or the thrill of the chase of a particular razor and as I like to call it RAD killer! I hope my kid, when I have one, will be able to enjoy my $20 razor as much as I do and also my MORE expensive ones. It's a fun ride and as Lynn says....I AM HAVING FUN!!!