
The heavy grind was a game changer for me as well. I've tried the heavy Sheffields and can't make peace w/ the feel or lack of feedback. The non-sheffield heavy grinds have been better, but lately the swedish heavies have seemed the best value. I find the shave equal to the costly Wacker heavy grinds. Finding them has been difficult for me. Finding 6/8 wedges even more so. Large hands like large shanks to hold. If smaller blades are okay for you, PM me.

I smile when I read about struggling w/ full hollows. That's my experience exactly. That'll change, I found that the heavy blade gave me the confidence to try new stretches and strokes. After a few times, I could carefully reproduce those strokes w/ the full hollow also. 18 mo later, I seem to like the extremes - extra hollow and near wedge. The heavies remain just a complete pleasure.

Post more if you run into more issues. The help here is incredible.