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Thread: Lord & Harvey. Crap, I have a lot of old razors....

  1. #11
    Senior Member ShaveShack's Avatar
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    that is a nice looking piece of steel there!


  2. #12
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonitomio View Post
    I have thought that a fictional novel based on historically accurate descriptions of period culture, the evoltion of the cutlery industry and the impact of one on the other would make an awesome novel, a la Ken FollettĀ“s Pillars of the Earth for example. Exploring the class differences and life styles of the people around the Sheffield era, you could include everything from royality to child labour. An info-documentary with fictional but historically accurate characters for me that would be an extremely interesting read
    I will eventually stumble my way into enough information to do this.

    Hell, I could almost write a novel purely about the WWI refurbished razor I have, since I was lucky enough to get one owned by someone whose records still exist (apparently a lot were lost in WWII).

    But like you say, the broad cultural history would be a potentially fascinating book. It's a subject I've been thinking about for some time now.
    -Zak Jarvis. Writer. Artist. Bon vivant.

  3. #13
    Captain ARAD. Voidmonster's Avatar
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    A comparison between the Lord & Harvey and a Wade & Butcher made between 1821 and 1830.

    Name:  LordHarveyWadeButcher2.jpg
Views: 240
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    The Lord & Harvey is the top one, the Wade & Butcher is the bottom (you can just make out the spine stamp on the W&B).

    Name:  LordHarveyWadeButcher1.jpg
Views: 217
Size:  33.3 KB

    Both blades open.

    Name:  LordHarveyBladeProfile.jpg
Views: 245
Size:  35.2 KB

    And the profile of the Lord & Harvey -- classic 'teardrop' shape, as opposed to the W&B and Stimpy's Lord & Harvey, which both have the squared off spine.
    -Zak Jarvis. Writer. Artist. Bon vivant.

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