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Thread: OK I am new to this but I have been eyes a few razors for awhile and...

  1. #1
    Member Supernas's Avatar
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    Default OK I am new to this but I have been eyes a few razors for awhile and...

    I was wondering where I can get this razor in the US

    also what do you all think of it.. anyone have one? and vids of anyone using it?
    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    The Seller ships to the USA. Why not just buy it from him? He's a great seller and expert honer, a honemeister even.

    But if you are new to this, do you consider it wise to spend that much on a new razor? I'd recommend starting with a circa 40 dollar example, from the classifieds.
    SirStropalot likes this.

  3. #3
    Member Supernas's Avatar
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    I plan on looking at the classifieds too and I am ordering a dovo from SRD in the next few weeks.. My technique is pretty decent far as I can tell but since I only have a replaceable blade straight.. nothing like a feather.. the razor isn't quite shave ready and I believe that is the sourse of some of the irratation that I get. I have seemed to over come a lot of that with beard prep... as far as finding someone in the US I wanted to see what the cost dif would be is all.. yeah I would wait a bit to get someting like that being about

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