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Thread: Dubl Duck Massacre

  1. #11
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphlundgren View Post
    It removes my whiskers as my other razors but the feeling of it is off.
    A flexible blade needs to be used almost flat on the face to prevent flexing & subsequent discomfort, especially on coarse beards.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

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  3. #12
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Check out these double ducks I got on Ebay! Seriously, I have several Dubl Ducks. They shave good, but nothing to be excited about. My favorite is a SatinWEDGE! I also have a running joke that some of my very concave Sheffields will make the ducks "take to the pond"! It is all a matter of preference. My beard type, preference, and technique, I like very concave razors to be 6/8 or over. I do like my other, German and American, concave razors as well, but the lighter, more narrow ones are more uncomfortable/difficult for me. I prefer a wedge shave, now and again. Big, sharp wedges are smooth, but I do like the smaller wedges too?? Perhaps that could be it. It did take a long while to admit it, but after you find what you like in width, weight in a concave(or any) grind, you prove it to yourself. I would, however, like to sample the few 7/8 and 8/8 ducks I have seen (cannot afford one!). This is my preference, not the right one for everyone! I understand that they were also highly regarded back in the day as well. As far as name recognition goes, that might well be. Guys will drive Chevys and never consider anything else! (which is not necessarily a bad thing!)
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    Last edited by sharptonn; 12-27-2011 at 01:30 AM.
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  5. #13
    Junior Member ralphlundgren's Avatar
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    @sharptonn: LOL!

    Thanks guys! And after my morning shave just now I have to admit that you are probably all correct.

    First of all it's a pressure thing. My Satinedge demands lighter pressure, which gives me less of the feedback that I need. This will take some getting used to. Still I switched razors halfway through my shave again. I did not try to flatten the blade as onimaru55 suggests but will next time around.

    Secondly my stubble is coarse and rough and that probably contributes to the fact that I like heavier and stiffer razors. Wedges, even small ones, is always doing a good job.
    I started wet shaving with a large, heavy, not so shave-ready, french blade that needed more pressure and this also adds to my judgement of later razors.

    I have to admit I am a little disappointed that the ducks do not perform to my liking. Maybe they will come up in the classifieds in 6 months. Thanks again guys!

  6. #14
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphlundgren View Post
    I know the following statement will be frowned upon in this fine establishment. Is the Dubl Duck razors popularity a hype?

    For a few months now I have tried and tried to master my Dubl Duck Satinedge restored and honed by the great gssixgun. But I simply cannot get a nice shave with it. I prefer heavier razors like my Butchers, but I also like my smaller and even lighter swedish razors. I can also get a better shave with my french razor. I do not own nor have I ever tried another german razor.

    Anyone else with similar thoughts about the Two Ducks, I can not find anything but praise here on the forum.

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    Different strokes for different folks my friend.. I have the same issue with Filly's... I had a Sub Zero 14, and couldn't get a good shave. I traded it to a buddy, and made both of us very happy... I lost money but got a razor that i could use and made a friend very happy.
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