So today I hit some local-ish antique stores and picked up a Rolls Razor in pretty good shape. $35 was low enough to be worth experimenting.

And after experimenting with it for a little bit, which basically consisted of polishing the case with some Mother's and then honing and stropping the little blade on its little hone and little strop, I am left to wonder:

Is there *any* widely used, now 'obsolete' shaving technology which *isn't* superior to modern disposables?

I totally understand why not everyone wants to use straight razors. This makes intuitive sense to me. Why DE's fell out of fashion, however, I cannot fathom. They're superior in pretty much every regard to cartridge and disposable razors.

And then there's the Rolls Razor. No consumable parts. Easy to use and care for. It looks like it'll shave *great* (I've only got a tiny bit of stubble, but it took it off with ease). Why aren't these things still made?

Oh yes, because most people would only ever need to buy one of them.