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Thread: what was he thinking, this mysterious man ?

  1. #1
    Junior Member laurent's Avatar
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    Default what was he thinking, this mysterious man ?

    You bought a vintage or antic SR and you are happy, because it looks nice and because you will restore it.
    Now this razor is yours
    But do you think ? ...

    ...Behind this razor there IS the history of a man (a mysterious man that you don’t know and you will never know) who he shaved every morning, maybe to go to his job, to go to meet his sweetheart, to go to the war and maybe never come back and never touch again his SR.
    Shaving is an intimate moment, what was he thinking when he shaved? His sweetheart, his family, his fears, money, ambition, death?

    Now this SR is yours,
    So, in your workshop, in front of your tools, when you will remove the pin of THIS SR or when you polish the blade, think about that !


  2. #2
    Senior Member Tsunami's Avatar
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    I often wonder the history of a vintage blade, whom it belonged to and how many it's been owned by before and their lives etc. what kind of man bought for instance a 1840 razor new. The United States was only 64 years old. Could be he was a young child when Independence was declared. What were his dreams etc. as a history buff I think of stuff like this often

  3. #3
    Excited Member AxelH's Avatar
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    Laurent, you need to study the books written by Rusell Targ (a laser physisisicist) and Jane Katra (a spiritual healer). They have finally declassified the CIA-funded psi studies they were involved in and profited immensely by publishing a few books on the subject!

    If you get "into it" I highly suggest you get competent at Ben Kingsley morphing, specifically from the movie "Suspect 0" (zero, not O). You're only a trance state away from the answer to all of your questions.

  4. #4
    Junior Member laurent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AxelH View Post
    away from the answer to all of your questions.
    I don't seek any answers

  5. #5
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurent View Post
    I don't seek any answers
    I think it is more fun to wonder. I do the same with my old pocket knives and wonder what stories they could tell.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes, that brings to mind the case of the haunted kamisori and that mysterious young Japanese kamakazee Pilot.

    Hmm I wonder what happened to him.
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  7. #7
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Yes, that brings to mind the case of the haunted kamisori and that mysterious young Japanese kamakazee Pilot.

    Hmm I wonder what happened to him.
    A legend that will never die!
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  8. #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    A legend that will never die!
    Nooooooooo! Not that again!
    Seriously, I have unpinned some with homemade repairs, two different scales, one ivory and one wood, pinned with nails, initials and names on them. I do wonder and sometimes feel kinda bad. For a bit!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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    Yes, I think about this from time to time as well. After all, you are using another man's razor, not a new disposable plastic piece that only you will use before it goes to a landfill.

    That being said, we probably tend to romanticize our visions of the former owners, with tales of chivalry, civility, courage and, dare I say, aristocracy. The truth is most likely more mundane; perhaps a coal miner who worked 15 hour days, 7 days a week to support his 8 children who all ran around him while he shaved because his dwelling was a single room.

    Yes, perhaps some things are better left to the imagination....

  10. #10
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    Yes, I think about this from time to time as well. After all, you are using another man's razor, not a new disposable plastic piece that only you will use before it goes to a landfill.

    That being said, we probably tend to romanticize our visions of the former owners, with tales of chivalry, civility, courage and, dare I say, aristocracy. The truth is most likely more mundane; perhaps a coal miner who worked 15 hour days, 7 days a week to support his 8 children who all ran around him while he shaved because his dwelling was a single room.

    Yes, perhaps some things are better left to the imagination....
    Excellent! Our imaginations do tend to exaggerate, and you are right. Most were probably owned by the common man who shaved once or twice a week and to him it may have been just a chore. Of course this is my own opinion. I am sure all of MY razors were used by celibate Kings who were shaved by beautiful virgins that spent over 3 years training by royal barbers. Or - perhaps they were cheap giveaways by some hotel or baseball team. YMMV!

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