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Thread: Duluth Trading Company

  1. #1
    Senior Member coloshaver's Avatar
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    Default Duluth Trading Company

    If you are not familiar with Duluth Trading Company, check them out. I have had nothing but good experiences with the company and its products. We got one of their catalogs yesterday in the mail. My wife was looking through it a said, "Oh look. They have straight razors now." Sure enough, in addition to the "shavette" style they had, they now advertise a "Classic Wood Handled Straight Razor" with a "Pre-honed 440 Stainless Steel blade" for $8.95.

    I couldn't help myself, so in an effort to help guys have a good experience, I posted the follow review on their site:

    1) I love DTC. Great service and I haven't ever had a bad experience. 2) I shave daily with straight razors. 3) I have not tried this product.
    Shaving with a straight can be a great experience, but be careful of this one. I highly recommend doing some research at Straight Razor Place - Welcome to Straight Razor Place before purchasing this razor and expecting a great shave. It takes a true craftsman to get a straight razor "shave ready". Even very expensive razors aren't "shave ready" out of the box. Unless a razor is expertly honed, you will have a miserable experience.
    My goal here is not to denegrate DTC or this product, but to ensure you don't end up with a terminal case of razor burn and that a bad experience with this product doesn't give straight razor shaving a bad rep.

    I chose not to get into the quality and hone-ability of an $8.95 "imported" razor, but hoped they would come over here and get educated. If not, "A fool and his money . . ."

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  3. #2
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    I haven't seen the razors on their catalog, but I'm a fan of their fire hose pants. I own a couple and they are tough but not unduly stiff. I'm particularly fond of the flannel lined pair, which I wear to ride in cold weather. It takes a little to get use to the "ballroom" thingy in the crotch, but it breaks in rather quickly.

    I've not tried to shave with them, though, but I'm told my ass looks good in them.


  4. #3
    Member BossManBill's Avatar
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    If its a "shavette" then it shouldn't need honing. The blades are replaceable SE. Ive seen the same razor in their website.

    The difference will be in technique and how it feels in your hands. That us were things get very subjective.

    I own a Parker SR1 and use Derby blades. Very satisfied with the results it has given me...but the killer is the learning curve associates with SR shaving. It takes time and patience (as I am blissfully coming to realize).

    The best shaver in the world is the one that works the best for you!

  5. #4
    lernin' curve
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    I, too, have had generally very good experiences with DTC. The only real complaint would be that pretty much everything they sell (80% +/- no surprise) is from China--Firehose pants and all! Any T-shirts or pants have all been China-made, but usually of a better quality. The only problem I've had was with Firehose Pants that had a bad batch of buttons at the waist--the replacement also gave out quickly. As far as the razor goes, maybe an email to their buyers might help; I see that in the same shaving section of the most recent catalog they're doing double edge the right way. Edwin Jagger(bl89 for $35?) and Personna blades would leave a new wet shaver with a good experience, unlike the $9 straight and 1 1/2 inch wide strop. They need a Fromm or some such thing and a wider piece of leather.

  6. #5
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    I just got the new catalog over the weekend. It's not a shavette, it's a razor... for under $10.

    If they still have them next time I order something from them I will get one, just to see what they are. I suspect some Chinese blade along the lines of the GD or, worse, some Pakistani RSO.

    If I do get it I will post pics and comments.

    I've read about the problems with the pants, but have not experienced any of those problems. Perhaps I'd love them a little less if they gave out on me, but I still think they are good pants - even if they are made in China.

    Last edited by Snake; 01-23-2012 at 04:15 PM.

  7. #6
    Senior Member coloshaver's Avatar
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    Default Update

    I guess they chose not to post my review. Hopefully, folks will come here before they buy.

  8. #7
    lernin' curve
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snake View Post
    I've read about the problems with the pants, but have not experienced any of those problems. Perhaps I'd love them a little less if they gave out on me, but I still think they are good pants - even if they are made in China.

    That's the rub! These were possibly the best work-pants I've ever had, except for that faulty part. I liked them so much I'll probably try again hoping they've got the button problem fixed by now; third time's the charm!

  9. #8
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    Sure it might be junk but if they honor their "unconditional guarantee", and for only $8.95+shipping, there's not a whole lot to lose but a little time and skin. Maybe they actually stumbled on something useable. Even if you get stuck with it you're still not out more than about $15. I might have to get one to try myself, once I get some other things taken care of first. Don't want the wife mad at me again .

  10. #9
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    I'm not a big fan of unconditional guarantees. I once bought some unconditionally guaranteed tires from Sears, only to have a blowout a couple of weeks after they were mounted on the car. They of course honored the unconditional guarantee and gave me another tire. This new tire wasted no time in having the sidewall separate and started showing wires sticking out, and it had the decency to blow up about a block away from Sears. The good men stood by their unconditional guarantee and they gave me another tire, and this one actually held for six months, when I bought a new set and had them all replaced, having totally lost faith in them.

    My point is that if you get a really shitty razor, the unconditional guarantee will just replace it with another shitty one of the same kind. I do agree there's very little to lose, especially if you tack it onto another order, and as I stated, I totally intend to do it just to see what they are.


  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by coloshaver View Post
    I guess they chose not to post my review. Hopefully, folks will come here before they buy.
    Or some will come here because they bought one.

    I thought $9 ? Wood handle! awesome! But I was surprised at how thick the blade was. It barely passed a fingernail catch and couldn't shave my arm. I discovered this site looking for tips to sharpen it, then discovered the "blades to avoid" list.

    This blade is MasterUSA and on the avoid list.

    Someone else mentioned Duluth pants - I've had 2 pair (jeans & everyday) bust at the ballroom seam. I do like their offerings, but often find the same product significantly cheaper elsewhere and have been sorely disappointed by several of their branded clothes. Not all, but several.

    I guess I'll start at the beginning and see if straight razor shaving is something I want to get into after all.
    tintin likes this.

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