Today I received my new Hart Steel 6/8, 1/4 ground, round point, jimped, polished finish, with cocobolo scales.

The workmanship is very nice; the one-piece cocobolo scales are beautiful. I especially like the allen head 'pin' which I can adjust to suit my preference with the included allen wrench.

As for my first shave with this new razor, all I can say is "WOW"!. I've been straight shaving for about 3 years and this was my best shave ever. Before this Hart Steel arrived, my favorites were:
  1. Dovo Best Quality 6/8
  2. Dovo Special 6/8
  3. Boker Edelweiss 5/8
  4. Boker Stainless 5/8
  5. Fredrick Reynolds Sheffield wedge
This Hart goes to the head of the list. I've never had a razor wipe away my tough 3 day old beard as effortlessly as this Hart just did.

Highly recommended! (FWIW)