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  1. #1
    Junior Member Scabby's Avatar
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    Default Dubl duck goldedge

    How does the dubl duck goldedge compare to the wonderedge? I noticed it was quite a bit cheaper.

    Also, what do you guys think about ebay for buying straights? I had my eye on the goldedge below:
    Dubl Duck Goldedge Pearlduck 5/8" round point straight razor | eBay

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    a mod should move this to the auction talk area.

    quite a bit of the dubl duck price is scarcity of blades those of us who shave with them rarely sell them and almost always buy extras when we can find them. they are IMHO they are very similar, if i did not see which of the two i was using i doubt i could tell the difference by shave shave... they would both be great.

    the dd are highly regarded and most likely that will finish a lot higher... especially since you asked about it on the largest shaving forum.... lots of us will go and look


    i have purchased a lot of blades on the 'bay... take your time study the text and pictures and remember there are lots of razors out there keep your bidding affordable.

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    Scabby (04-07-2012)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Jim's giving good advice above. Stay within your budget. DD's are easy to hone, usually. I have several and enjoy my shaves with them. I believe the Wonderedge is higher in price because one of the main straight razor guys gave it high praise years ago. With a proper edge you (and I) would have a hard time telling which was whr GE and which was the WE. My old school barber said they shaved good but didn't hold an edge as long as some of the others he used. I really an not the person to judge that. I shave with each of my razors about once a year, less often if I don't shave every day.

    Jim, I'm going to leave this thread here since we are discussing the differences in DD's and not really the auction on the bay. Al;so, you are probably correct in that the price will go up now that the auction is posted on the forum. Best advice to those looking is to look for good razors that are under the radar and avoid the popular brands once the bids go over your budget. If you snipe, snipe within budget. You may not win as often but you won't get burned by a price over your value of the razor either. Just to note, I have some high priced razors in the stable but the average price is ~ $30 and all are good shavers. Most are from local shops and flea markets. I found a NOS Wonderedge at one for a fraction of the proce it would have gone for on the online auction sites. It just takes time and patients.

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    Scabby (04-07-2012)

  6. #4
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    It is a nice looking razor... But ask the seller specific questions. Pitting, chips . Does the spine of the blade lay flat. Easy but telling questions. You'll be surprised what you find. Ask 2 or 3 then go from there. I alway use non technical terms so there's no excuse for 'I'm not an expert answer'.

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    Scabby (04-07-2012)

  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Cant speak for the GE, but the Wonderedge seemed like a larger (longer cutting edge length) of the Pearlduck Special #1 or Bresduck Dwarf. Each measured about .010", took lovely edges, and gave great shaves. The Satinedge is more hollow, with a sample of 4, each measured about .0075. Fewer were symetric - had some warp or wave, but the worst was still a decent shaver. The best was wonderful.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to pinklather For This Useful Post:

    Scabby (04-07-2012)

  10. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    With DD you pay for the scarcity of the particular model and of course the condition it is in. Most of the DD models are similar with minor differences in grind or size or decoration. The Wonderedge is probably the most different because of it's alleged use of treated steel and unique decoration.

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    Scabby (04-07-2012)

  12. #7
    Junior Member Scabby's Avatar
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    Well, I think I'll wait on the goldedge for now. I'm thinking of a different razor now. Here's the new thread:

  13. #8
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    My 2 main razors are Ducks, and I enjoy using both of them (Ie. wouldn't sell either). If I were to buy a Goldedge, I'd wait for one in a rarer configuration (spike point, and bigger), and in nicer shape (personally). Normally, the scales are a brighter white, the entire tang is gold plated, and the stampings are painted deep blue. Examples in this shape will usually fetch a premium, but they're quite stunning to look at in person.

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