So, recently I bought Beau Brummel #35 straight razor and recived it in almost mint condition. Razor was very nice polished without visible pitting, rust etc....
I used it 5 times until now and every time I rinsed it well...dry well after use and oil (Camelia oil) the blade before storage as I do with all off my other razors. Also, all of them are stored in TI Wooden Box in dry place. There is no razors with celluloid scales inside the box.
But after all I noticed that some kind of pitting spots start to appear 3-4 mm from the cutting edge of Beau Brummel straight razor.....they are less visible when razor is dry (visible under some angels) but greatly visible when blade is wet.
So, I need your oppinions about whole thing especially if you had same experience. I have to add that there is no such problems with my other razors.