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Thread: Is it worth it?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Default Is it worth it?

    Ok, so I have been thinking of getting a Wade and Butcher. I have not been fortunate to find one locally so I am looking on ebay. However, I know with bidding the prices can get jacked up. In the end, is it worth it? What makes Sheffield steel so magical? How much of the reputation is hype? I was thinking of saving up to get another TI but I guess I do not want to deny myself a chance to try a WB.

  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    It seems that the big W&B's are the razor du jour right now. Save yourself some dough and look into finding a Frederick Reynolds, they were made in Sheffield as well and are great shavers. I have 2 in rotation with the third out for restoration. If you're set on getting a W&B, find one you like, set your max bid and then just wait and see. Don't get into a bidding war. It seems since the hype begun, W&B's are popping up all over the bay, so there will always be one to bid on.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Yes, the size seems to be a driving factor in the price. I will keep in eye on any Reynolds too. I guess anything that came out of Sheffield should be decent though.

  4. #4
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    If you're set on a W&B from the bay or pretty much any razor for that matter, please do some research on the seller, ie read feedback and look at their feedback scores, see if they have a history of selling straight razors, etc. Be wary, there is a "seller" on the bay that has listed and sold the EXACT same W&B chopper razor at least 3 times this year alone. Said razor is again currently up on the bay, the last time the razor "sold" was early this year for over $400. I find it hard to believe the razor has been returned to the seller three times now. Research before bidding and try not to get involved in bidding wars.
    onimaru55, Joed and Mephisto like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Have talked with that seller,he claims he has had multiple non-paying winners,is very strange.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It is cool to shave with a razor made 150 years ago. Even cooler if it is a big 'barber's use' wedge. OTOH, it is just another razor. If you keep your eyes peeled you'll eventually find one in good shape for a decent price. At least IME.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    From what I've heard, Joseph Rodgers are amazing and they look beautiful and beastly, look into getting one of those. Also, Geo Wostenholm has made some very nice vintage sheffield razors.
    Last edited by animalwithin; 05-19-2012 at 04:50 PM.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Perhaps there are sheffield connesoirs

    But over 3dz of them, and a) I don't like the feel of sheffield steel, and b) I don't fine one maker clearly better than another. First questions before parting w/ $$$: have you shaved w/ one yet? If not, see if any members are nearby that would let you try. The feel is somewhat unique. It may be that you're in love w/ the feel and its worth the cost of the gucci name. I've done it. 'Will probably do again. Many of our itches could be scratched for a lot less $$ if we'd start trying each other's gear before laying out the money. Best of luck w/ the itch. They can be formidable.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by animalwithin View Post
    From what I've heard, Joseph Rodgers are amazing and they look beautiful and beastly, look into getting one of those. Also, Geo Wostenholm has made some very nice vintage sheffield razors.
    +1. IMO Wostenholms are just as good as Wade & Butcher, and usually can be found for a fraction of the price.

    When I came on the scene W&B's could be consistently found for under $100 and were considered very average razors. Since the price is triple that now (or more) it is clear they are still the flavour of the month. It still surprises me, especially since there is still such a high supply of them out there.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    First questions before parting w/ $$$: have you shaved w/ one yet? If not, see if any members are nearby that would let you try.
    No, I have never shaved with one before. But I guess it would be nice to do that. The only older razors I have shaved with are a Torrey and a Beardsley and Alvord.

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