I am looking at buying a Burgess 15 opera arcade.
Are they very sought after? I am waiting on some better pictures to see the condition of the blade but any info will be appreciated
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this is all I could find

A bit of history: R. Burgess and Son was a high-end retailer at #15 in the prestigious Royal Opera Arcade (see last picture), off of Pall Mall. Many fine items survive with their marks from their heyday there, such as brass and ivory binoculars (for the opera), as well as 7 day sets of ivory-scaled razors. Built along the back wall of the Royal Opera House in 1816 and designed by John Nash (Trafalgar Square), it was the first indoor shopping venue in England, arguably anywhere! THIS was the Original Shopping Mall! 19 shops lined one side and the entrance to the Opera House was on the other side. Well-heeled Opera patrons would enter the Opera through the arcade and peruse the shops as they came and went. It must have been a profitable location in those days! At one point R .Burgess and Son occupied 3 of the 19 spaces. In 1867 the Opera House burned to the ground in 1 hour's time, taking 3 of the shops in the Arcade. The Opera was rebuilt across the street eventually and the Arcade was left to stand alone with 18 spaces surviving. I would expect business fell off considerably after this tradgedy and can only conclude that R. Burgess and Son possibly sold these blades in the early 1860's before the fire, but the name was still listed at the #15 address in 1884 with a different occupation, listed as hairdressers, so who knows? This is all I can find. The Arcade still stands and is home to several small exclusive concerns. It is also a tourist and historical destination. #15 is now home to a "Sandwich Centre" sandwich shop!