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Thread: Real or not

  1. #1
    ECD is offline
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  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Those Edwin Jagger's are rebranded Dovo's.
    And Dovo's are indeed the real thing

    Edit after seeing gssixgun's post:
    I have had one exactly like it sent to me for honing and that one was a proper shaver with a fine steel
    Last edited by Birnando; 05-21-2012 at 10:48 PM. Reason: Adding info

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have not tested this exact razor myself,,,

    But it looks like a Chinese or Pakistani razor and if so the odds say it will not hold an edge...

    Wait to decide, and see if any of the guys have tested that exact razor

    Edit: There ya go Birnando is dang fast hehe

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    I couldn't see EJ putting their name on crap, so I'm sure you'll be fine.

    On the other hand, I'm not sure why the seller didn't include pics of the razor's backside. Merely speculation, but perhaps it has a Dovo stamp and the seller is trying to push the price past that of your average Dovo? Maybe Birnando could shed some light on that (how did you know they are Dovos?), but like I say it's only speculation on my part.

  5. #5
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I dunno I looked at the fellow's shop and it looks like he has a lot of no name razors with blade etching but no stamps of origin selling for a pound more...all look like paki razors to me...I have never seen a rebranded Dovo that didnt have Dovo on it somewhere.

  6. #6
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I couldn't see EJ putting their name on crap, so I'm sure you'll be fine.

    On the other hand, I'm not sure why the seller didn't include pics of the razor's backside. Merely speculation, but perhaps it has a Dovo stamp and the seller is trying to push the price past that of your average Dovo? Maybe Birnando could shed some light on that (how did you know they are Dovos?), but like I say it's only speculation on my part.
    If I remember correctly it was stamped with Solingen Germany on the tang (backside)
    The buyer had bought it from one of the London brick and mortar stores, where it was stated to be a rebranded Dovo.
    I don't recall the store though..

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    Quote Originally Posted by alb1981 View Post
    I dunno I looked at the fellow's shop and it looks like he has a lot of no name razors with blade etching but no stamps of origin selling for a pound more...all look like paki razors to me...I have never seen a rebranded Dovo that didnt have Dovo on it somewhere.
    Yeah, I agree, the other items look very similar to the one in question, and with all kinds of stamps on them.
    The sheets looks very similar too.
    It does look strikingly similar to the one I had pass thru my hands, but I'm not as sure anymore as to the quality of this one

  9. #8
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    I bought a big pile of "seconds" blade from a worker at the Dovo factory last year. Most were stamped Dovo, but there was a number that had no stamp on at all. Honed up, they shaved fantastic. I always assumed that they were made by Dovo to by branded by someone like Edwin Jagger or Col Conk. The blades I got look pretty similar to these.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    It's definitely the 'real' thing - a re-branded Dovo. Some time ago an outlet for EJ started sending me all the problem razors they had received back to see what was wrong with them - why the customers could not hone them satisfactorily. Of the many I was sent only three or four were salvageable - the rest had severe warps and poor grinds, so much so that a lot of metal would have to be removed and the customers preferred an alternative or their money back. The agent I was dealing with got on to Dovo, but they would not accept liability - probably something to do with the razors already having been 'branded' especially for EJ. In the end, this particular outlet - a well-known, large chain - stopped stocking straight razors.

    They told me that they had two high-end one-piece cowhorn scaled razors left and that I could have them if I wanted them for nothing - of course, I said yes please! One had a cold-shut crease all along the spine and the top of the spine still had what looked like preliminary grind-marks on it - not a spectacular case of quality control on dovos part, methinks.

    I generally refuse to accept EJ razors for honing now unless the owner has done a simple test to see whether the spine is warped.


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  12. #10
    ECD is offline
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    How do you tell if the spine is warped and what is this simple test to find out if it is ?

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