Hello All,
This thread intrigued me, and made me wanna put my Golden Dollar in. (insert sad noise here that was an awful pun) While there is something to be said for a trailer queen, most antiques I have dealt with where turned in to vital tools for a VERY skilled artisan, from wood working tools to several antique vehicles bearing the dash plaque "if u see this car on a trailer call 911 It's stolen!" I would imagine my feelings run the same with the tools I use to shave. Nothing beats the the feeling of using a finely crafted tool to do an artists work. Mind u this is my opinion and trailer queens are nice to look at. I will end by posing the question at what point do the things we own own us? Finally, why have a fancy anything to collect dust? In the end do what makes you happy but bear my last 2 questions in mind.

Thanks for your patience and, may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house