Pithor, that's excellent info, thanks! I'm getting quite excited about these razors!!

The scales on the Frameback Hellberg are brown at the pivot; they do seem to have striations, but very feint. The scales could well be Bakelite. These have a grey wedge that seems to be metal, at least it's cold on my tongue.

You're right I think about the grind marks, which is why I'm going to polish across the blade only now, not along it.

No, the frame on the Jernbologet isn't brass. I'll try cleaning up the emblem; I wasn't sure what it was. Actually, I like the Hellberg's emblem and scrolling. I don't think i'll do a lot more polishing of the Jernbologet; I want to retain some signs of wear to match the scales. I may polish it once more (across the blade), re-force a patina with citrus and lemon juice, and leave it at that. If I muck around too much with it I'll wreck the pivot pin or something. I'll make sure the scales don't come in contact with the solution I'll use to force the patina.

I'm loving learning about these razors, and the framebacks feel really good in the hand; very well balanced...