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  1. #1
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    Default Razor reference books

    About 20 years ago I picked up a reference book on straight razors. A collectors softback: History, manufacturers, quality discussions and pricing. I remembered having it recently and went looking in boxes in the garage but think it must have gotten lost in a move. Does anyone have or refer to these anymore? Any suggestions? Or, is the online info just as good or better nowadays? Thoughts and suggestions?

  2. #2
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    I recently read The Standard Guide to Razors at the local library. There is an existing SRP thread on it here. It has several editions, but the edition I read was published in 1995. It was mostly a collector's book, where price was mostly based on the SR scales, but it had the info you mentioned. Check your local library.
    You can take the boy out of NY, but you can't take NY out of the boy.

  3. #3
    < Banned User >
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    Hey There,

    Goin's encyclopedia is an excellent reference book, with lots of information. It even lists cutlery makers when little else is known but their names. Other good references are

    Straight Razor Manufacturers and Dates of Operation
    Untitled Document
    Razor makers

    The PDF is especially useful because it lists cutlers' makers marks at the bottom and you can find using that data.


    Carl - SRH

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    mumpig (10-24-2012)

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