I'm very new to straight razor shaving.

My wife bought me a razor for my birthday, and I'm not quite sure what to do as far as honing goes. This razor was SUPPOSED to be honed at the factory, and I guess it's kinda sharp. I tried cutting some arm hairs and took off a few with effort. I tried shaving with it twice, and both times it was pretty painful and I had to clean up with my cartridge razor.

I wouldn't mind honing it myself as I have a Norton 4k/8k stone and a 12k stone as well, but I have some reservations about that:
- I'm not good at it
- How can I tell that it has an edge that matches up with the spine already, so that when I hone it I don't have to reset the edge?
- If I did need to set/reset the edge, I'm not sure the 4k stone will be course enough.
- I'm afraid to ruin a brand new, expensive razor.

What should I do with this razor? It's half-hollow (I think), BTW.