Shave two went great! It's fun using the scathing motion this blade forces you to use! Seriously it's fun! Especially in the neck area. The weight of it creates an awesome motion while at work as well too. It's truly a fun blade to shave with!

Of note though - as with any shorty, it can be a challenge to see where you are sometimes. This rears it's head for me the most when I am trying to do "line work" in the side-burn area. This blade is no exception and with it's smile, it causes even greater issues for me in this area. I struggled on my right side today, but by the time I got to the left there was no issue.

Another issue of note is that with such a pronounced smile, one needs to be just a touch more careful when first placing the blade onto your face. It's not a big issue really, but you don't have the distribution of a three or even two inch blade. The initial area that's touching your face is quite small with that smile going on lol.

That is to say that you can't just pull this blade off the shelf and use it like any other. This thing has personality lol. And needs to be used differently than other razors. I think that's why I am having so much fun with it. I am not sure if it's any harder than any other straight - it's just different. Especially if you haven't used blades with smiles before - which is the case for me.

Anyway - I hope it's clear how much fun I have been having. I think I am going to try putting it on the old finishing stone and apply the paste regime that I normally do for all my other razors before my next shave. That will make me more able to talk to the sharpness of the blade.