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Thread: Can anyone tell me about this razor?

  1. #1
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    Default Can anyone tell me about this razor?

    Heya everyone, I'm new to this forum and I can't wait to learn more and more about this art form. Over Christmas, my father in law learned that I had become interested in straight razor shaving so he gave me his deceased fathers straight razor. This is hard for me to accept because I feel that he should keep it but he really wants me to have it. He, as well as his father are Colombian and they moved to the US in the early 80's. His father user this for some time so I assume it is probably from the 60's-ish.

  2. #2
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP.
    Using search on our forum, you'll find a lot of interesting info.
    Alex Ts.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Can't tell you much about your razor except that it looks to me to be a top quality product from Solingen that was well cared for. You are a lucky man to have a father in law who thinks enough of you to offer you his fathers razor. I am sure he likes the idea that it will be back in use and enjoyed by a close family member. Enjoy it. Someone with more knowledge will be along shortly, I'm sure, to give the details on your razor.


    I see manah has already responded, must type faster.
    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I've come across 2 from that maker. Both just *LOVED* to ride the stones, both took excellent edges, both gave wonderful shaves. If I see more of that maker, I'd expect them to be good as well.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    I've come across 2 from that maker. Both just *LOVED* to ride the stones, both took excellent edges, both gave wonderful shaves. If I see more of that maker, I'd expect them to be good as well.
    I don’t know anything about that razor but to say that it looks tip top. It’s a Solingen so there is a pedigree already established. I think you’ll find that it’s a top performer and a real treasure. Have a pro put an edge on it for you and get started. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Nice razor. Welcome to SRP. Check out the beginner's guide here if you want to begin shaving with it. Also it should be pro honed if you are going to put it back into service. You can find members who provide that service here.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ScienceGuy's Avatar
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    I've shaved with one and can also tell you that it was very easy to hone and took a great edge.

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    You guys are all awesome. Thanks so much for getting back to me. I'm excited to know that with care, this will shave razor will shave well.

    I live in San Diego and I found a place will sharpen it, hone and strop it for me. Straight Edge Razor Sharpening Service | Carbon and Stainless Steel Razors Sharpened

    Unfortunately, because the razor itself is so hold, the blade has a fair amount of play when it is being opened from the scales itself. I was thinking that maybe I should have that shop clean the scales and replace the pins as well.

    Is that something that is fairly doable? Also, is there anyway to know if this blade is carbon steel or stainless?

    Thanks guys for answering all my questions and being so friendly.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidthegreat View Post
    You guys are all awesome. Thanks so much for getting back to me. I'm excited to know that with care, this will shave razor will shave well.

    I live in San Diego and I found a place will sharpen it, hone and strop it for me. Straight Edge Razor Sharpening Service | Carbon and Stainless Steel Razors Sharpened

    Unfortunately, because the razor itself is so hold, the blade has a fair amount of play when it is being opened from the scales itself. I was thinking that maybe I should have that shop clean the scales and replace the pins as well.

    Is that something that is fairly doable? Also, is there anyway to know if this blade is carbon steel or stainless?

    Thanks guys for answering all my questions and being so friendly.
    Before you take your razor anywhere to have it honed check the service out. Personally I would be very leery of a place that does knives, razors AND garden tools. I would use a someone who specializes in honing razors specifically and has a know good reputation in the straight shaver community.

    There is no need to go and have it rescaled and re pinned if the original scales are not cracked or other wise damaged. If you elect to send the razor to a honer of know good reputation they can tighten up yhe original pins. There is also the point that this is a classic razor and anything you do to alter it from the way it left the factory likely won't enhance it's monetary value but the exact opposite.


    Almost forgot, unless the blade says Rostfrei or Inox or similar words chances are good that it is carbon steel not stainless.

    dustoff003 likes this.
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    Okay Bob, your point is well taken. Is there anyone that you might recommend on this form or in the San Diego area?

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