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Thread: Big Old Sheffields: Wedge vs Hollow

  1. #1
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    Default Big Old Sheffields: Wedge vs Hollow

    Every time i reach for a razor to shave with out of my box of goodies I reach a bit of a conundrum. Wedge or Hollow?

    I personally love the way an old wedge just seems to eliminate all in its path. The weight of the blade alone is so substaintial that it seems the make the whiskers jump from their root as the blade approaches, as it terrified to resist. The weight of the wedge also give an incredible balance on the straight away with a hand feel i just love. In the words of Judge Lummus "No better shaving device was ever made than and old sheffield wedge".......

    But then there is the hollow ground razor. As much as i love a massive wedge it's hard to ignore the fact that most people who shave with a straight shave with a hollow ground blade. I would say based on my observation the vast majority of people tend to favor a full hollow to a heavier hollowgrind; furthermore it seems that wedge grind razors became obsolete to the hollow ground razor by the end of the 19th century. Hollow ground razors to me are like a porsche where as a wedge is like a Hemi 'Cuda: the hollow ground takes the turns and and cuts it close where as the wedge it just pure muscle, taking it all out as it goes along.

    Heres mine side by side, What do you think about wedge vs hollow? let see yours!!!

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    ......... Making Old Razors Shine N' Shave, Once Again.
    -"Sheffield Style"

  2. #2
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    I love all of the full or extra hollow razors I have, but I tend to like the 1/2 or 1/4 hollow blades alittle better except for one extra hollow that I have that shaves like a 1/4 hollow. I also like shaving with near wedges that are 6/8 or smaller. The bigger ones just don't do it for me as much. That is saying I still haven't got used to using a big, heavy razor yet. I have a tendency to use more pressure than is necessary with the bigger ones. If a shoulderless razor of any grind fell into my lap I would love it. Most shoulderless blades seem to shave differently to me. These are the biggest blades I have a 7/8 near wedge and a 13/16 1/2 hollow and they both shave beautifully, but I find myself using more pressure than I need to at times. I need to get used to using such a heavy razor.

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    Last edited by JSmith1983; 01-27-2013 at 08:39 PM.
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Once they learned how to do hollow grinds they made wedges obsolete. Most didn't want a big heavy clumsy meatchopper when they could have a precision instrument. Even Barbers stayed away from them.

    Of course they are always holdouts and they continued to make modified wedges and these razors had their fans to an extent.

    Of course these razors are now extinct along with their users. It's hard to find anyone who will admit to using one of these artifacts.....Har Har.
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  4. #4
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    I like the Porsche vs Hemi 'Cuda comparison.

    In the end it's simply different weapons in your arsenal. My Sheffield razors are either full hollow or wedge, nothing inbetween, but I love using them all.
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  5. #5
    ace is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth ace's Avatar
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    I think it depends on whether the Porsche is a 914 or a 917. I'd go with the lather, I mean latter.

  6. #6
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Full hollow for me.

  7. #7
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    I like them all. In the mornings i have the same issue, Extra Hallow or True Wedge. Always a tough call there all so lovely to shave with.

  8. #8
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    I like the 1/4 or 1/2 hollows. I don't seem to cut myself as much. The full hollows always draw blood on me.

  9. #9
    Shave like a pyrate! Pyrateknight's Avatar
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    I like a little heft to my razors. Wedges just seem to fit me.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member jodypress's Avatar
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    It's a real toss up. Most of the time I shave with full hollow's and then I break out the Sheffield steel and woah. Awesome smooth shave.

    W&B 7/8

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    Joseph Smith 9/8 Chopper (restored and rescaled by myself)

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    W&B 7/8 American Eagle (rescaled by myself)

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    Last edited by jodypress; 01-28-2013 at 08:36 AM.

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