Dear Razorheads-Whipped out the Norton 4K/8K , Naniwa 12 K and DMC D8T-Thankfully,my Cowboy and Dovo are still shaving hair, but the Hamburg Ring and Golden Monkey needed major work! Won't bore you all with the details, but took both down to 4K, then 8 and 12K, followed by 20 on the felt and 60-80 on the Bridle leather. Able to shave hair again, but running out of body hair Learned two important lessons-NO thumbnail test and lighten up on the strop. Before I forget, can you clean up the Naniwa 12K using the DMT D8C? I noticed that it was getting discolored due to metal shavings. Didn't use tape either, as it seems to leave residue on the stones. I realize that this is a volatile topic though-Gearhead