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Thread: stropping before and after a shave

  1. #11
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I know everybody strops there razors before shaving
    I never do. Nobody made a good case for it yet to me.

    does anybody strop there razors after a shave
    I do every time.

    and if so how many times do do you strop after a shave and what is the point as the next time you bring the razor out you going to strop before you shave anyway
    20 on linen, 20 on leather. The point is to dry the edge more thoroughly than a person could do with a tissue, while cleaning and realigning the edge, and placing a very thin coat of oil(from the strop) on the razors edge, effectively protecting it from rust. And also, because I won't be stropping before the next shave, unless it's 24 hours before the next one, and I just finished a shave.

  2. #12
    ECD is offline
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    Thank you Michel for you good wishes for my recovery from the heart op spoke to my Surgeon before the op about me going to Malaysia on the 28th of this mth he said " no problem you will be OK" well him being Malaysian himself he should know ! the only thing he said I could not do was scuba diving because the difference in pressure so i will be looking at the birds in the bikinis ( my wife says what a excuse!) Any way I am going off course here I wish to thank everybody help and advice that you have given me on here Many Thanks. Eric

  3. #13
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    I see your point. Makes a lot of sense too. Drying and coating with the oil from the strop. I have heard that the edge degrades from oxidation, your way would prevent it more than just drying. I dontknow how true that is though. To each his own.

  4. #14
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    I do both, and I also use the Big Daddy from Star. What a beast to break in, I have stropped my hand more than my razors!! I do 20-40 strokes on leather before a shave depending on my demeanor. Post shave, I dry my razor as best as possible then busy myself with cleaning and organizing the rest of my shaving arsenal. I return to a dry razor (I am in the desert) and strop it 40 times or so on the felt and 60-80 on leather. Finally I oil it, kiss it and tuck it away clean and happy to dream of rich lather and whisker chasing.

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