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Thread: How do replaceable-blade straight razors compare with 'real' ones?

  1. #1
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    Default How do replaceable-blade straight razors compare with 'real' ones?

    Along with a Boker Edelweiss from the SRP classifieds, I couldn't help myself and bought this Man Straight Barber Edge Steel Razors Folding Shaving Knife 10pcs Blades HYR | eBay on eBay for under $5 shipped.

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    So - is this even a straight razor? Has anyone here shaved with them or have any experience with them? If so, how do they compare?

    If it's not a straight razor, other than a razor shaped object, do they have a name?


  2. #2
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    I'm not s big fan of the shavettes that take half a DE blade.

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    I have something very similar, and I threw out those garbage blades it came with and put Feather DE blades in whole. Love it.
    just use VERY little pressure, also you might have to adjust the angle you shave at.

  4. #4
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    I used a shavette for 6 years. Never could shave every day and couldn't get bbs on the neck. I went to de then straights in October. Half way through the process, I grew frustrated and decided to use my shavette. Im glad the shave was uncomfortable! Backto the hone! It took me 3 months of daily shaving to get to the point where I can get bbs everytime. Which is every day. YMMV as always but Im a happy man!
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    So the replaceable type are called 'shavettes'? They don't seem to be mentioned on the SRP forums much at all, are they considered 'on topic' or 'not really straight razors'?

  6. #6
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Some start with them as did I, they are not frowned upon at least IMO.

    I read a lot and used one for a long time I still have it and would use it if I needed to,
    I do keep blades here just in case.

    If this is where you want to start, check out several blades and see what suits you, a good part of what you learn will transfer over if you decide to go with a traditional straight.

    A few things you think will transfer over won't.

    I for one am glad that using the shavett first is the path I took.


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    I have one of these as well and with the right blade gives a good shave. Not sure if they consider them real razors or not but should be as that there is also talk about DE razors. I think mostly here it comes down to enjoying shaving. so if you enjoy using it that's all the matters.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ehryk View Post
    So the replaceable type are called 'shavettes'?
    Eh not really, this is a "Shavette". I have one of those too and I actually like it but I use the thick blades with the green blade holder and use the personna hair shaper blades. I had bad luck with that shavette and the helf DE blade combo. BUT i had good luck with this using half a feather or a lord single edge. For me the blade exposure was critical as I need less.

  9. #9
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    Searching the term "Shavette" on the forum yielded 2,170 references. It's just a matter of doing some research.

    I started with one myself, thinking that it would save me money. It did, for a while, until I switched over to regular straight razors. I still use a Feather SS folder from time to time, and it gives wonderful shaves. If that is the course one chooses, the result is great shaves (with the Feather SS), no maintenance whatsoever, a true SR experience, and the blades will last as long as 40 shaves. I think it is a great razor.

    But then I moved on to straights, hones, strops and all was lost! Now I'm clean shaven but homeless!
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  10. #10
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    I have three of these. They're very easy to use and not very aggressive. I hotrodded two of them to make them a bit more dangerous.

    They're quite good for hard areas, and I still use one after I finish with my straight to touch up, especially under my chin.

    Personally, I think they act more like a one-sided DE than a straight and didn't find them a very good intro to straight razor shaving, other than for learning to hold it and to be gentle.
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