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  1. #1
    Member hajo's Avatar
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    Default razors with engravings/decoration on the spine -- stropping etc.

    Hello Everybody,

    I have 3 str8s with an engraved back but the are still waiting to be used (Wacker "Best Trad."; Bismarck, and Dovo Renaissance). I am still a learner and I want to use my TI only till I got professional)I bought These as investment for the futur.... I read through some posts but it was not a clear Picture to me.
    What is your experience and tips with engraved spines?
    a.) wear on engraving.. over time
    b.) wear on strop

    It is said the there is some negativ effect to the stop... but on the other hand I wonder why old manufacturers make such engravings if they are contraprotuctive...
    Or did you adapt your stropping technic... not rolling over spin... lifting spin while rolling...?
    (sticky tape I do not like much..)

    Regards and Happy Easter!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Theres not much to worry about most spinework & engraving is usually softedges and polished. Unless its super jagged and I couldnt see that on something like a Wacker or T.I.. I would of course use tape when its time for honing. But stroping should not present you with any problems. The only thing I've found that is fleeting is gold wash over time. Cant help that.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I had a custom with a 'worked spine' that put scratches in a strop. Fortunately I've got more than one strop and I always use that one if I am taking an engraved/worked spine out for the first stropping. Maybe try it on a leather work belt for a first go round if you only have one strop and don't want to chance scratches in the leather. As long as it isn't damascus pattern steel, if there are any sharp or high spots on the spine, you can do a bit of 1k grit sandpaper and smooth the offending spots out.

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