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Thread: branded but unknown razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member rocarule's Avatar
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    Default branded but unknown razor

    Name:  $T2eC16VHJFwFFZ8RnuyZBR(GzOV--Q~~60_57.jpg
Views: 507
Size:  45.6 KB
    The tang is marked with a Kuri Primos (Kuri appears to be a lebanese last name) writing. From what i found through google it was a trading company that operated in mexico during the late 1800's and i have found a fighting dagger on ebay selling for $185, but i have not found anything about their razors.
    Last edited by rocarule; 04-06-2013 at 12:55 AM.

  2. #2
    < Banned User >
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    I was bidding on that too but don't have that kind of cash right now Nice score.
    gooser likes this.

  3. #3
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    It looks like a nice razor I look forward to someone telling us more info about it.

    I'm looking at getting a few reference books on razors so I can identify the unknown razors I come across a bit better.

    This one seems to be a very tricky one I can't find anything in english about the company except for a reference to them in a book here and I'm not even sure if it's the same one."kuri+primos"+information&oq="kuri+primos"+in formation&gs_l=serp.3..33i21.69357.71570.1.71714.1,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d .aGc&fp=7f85050f64c99f0&biw=1920&bih=861
    "In the words of the ancients, one should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths." Yamamoto Tsunetomo

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    There is a fair bit on the web with Regard To this company, Kuri Primos Sucesores. I have seen the dagger you referred to - below is its tang stamp:

    Name:  kuri primos logo.JPG
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    You will notice that it bears a German makers mark - that of Daniel Peres, Solingen:

    Name:  peres logo.JPG
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    The Kuri Cousins were approached by Antonio Letayf, a Spaniard who emigrated to Mexico and made himself a Mexican citizen in 1899. He married into a noble family and achieved fame and wealth. His object in contacting the Kuri cousins was to ship foreign goods into the USA via the 'backdoor' - Mexico.

    Name:  middle eastern immigrants in mexico.JPG
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    This proved particularly profitable when German fell out of favour in WW1 - goods were shipped to Scotland, then onto Mexico for redistribution. This cutting is from a list of Mexican traders published in the Edinburgh Gazette of 1919:

    Name:  kuri primos Ed Gaz 1919.JPG
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    Letayf was a personal friend of the German Diplomatic representative in Mexico, Antonio Von Eckhard, hence the German connection with Solingen, I suppose. Letayf produced documents of protection for Germans in Mexico which also covered the sale of German goods. The US put a stop to this, but the French Embassy in Mexico then produced letters of protection, no doubt encouraged by Letayf.

    The following is a table of workers employed by Kuri Primos Suc. in 1924:

    Name:  kuri primos workers 1924.JPG
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    Other records, primarily in Spanish, show that the company dealt in perfumes, cotton, and much more.


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    rocarule (04-06-2013)

  6. #5
    Senior Member rocarule's Avatar
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    So this is most likely a solingen razor...?

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocarule View Post
    So this is most likely a solingen razor...?
    Who knows? They didn't make razors themselves, so it is definitely an import from another country. Without an actual makers mark (like on that dagger) we will never know. Looks more like an old Sheffield to me, and the scales don't look original what with the strange placement of the pins. Could be wrong, though!

    saitou likes this.

  8. #7
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    Thanks for making me look so stupid Neil =P I couldn't find anything about them
    "In the words of the ancients, one should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths." Yamamoto Tsunetomo

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