As mentioned, you won't really be "stepping up" on the razor shave. You'll have to think of it in a different way.

When I started SR shaving, I bought a new DOVO 6/8 Best Quality 1/2 hollow and had it professionally honed to "shave ready". It shaves great and I still use it as my main SR. Later on I started buying vintage SRs from flea markets, learned to hone, honed the vintage SRs, and had great shaves with them too. I didn't restore the vintage SRs -- it's on my to-do list -- but I still liked a few of them better than my new, shiny DOVO.

What you're probably looking to do is get a SR with a different "personality". It may not look as fancy or shiny as your DOVO or other SRs, but you may like its feel, grip, shape, grind, edge, sound effect from shaving, etc. better than that of other SRs. You'll have to try out other SRs to find out what you like; pictures may speak 1000 words, but they can only give you a bit of info on the SRs "personality".