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Thread: #78 F. Herder ABR Sohn, 5/8. Picked it up, curious to history, probable age etc.

  1. #21
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Affirmative, I went out today on my bicycle to get a bag of coffee beans and I'm pretty sure I saw a Herder. So there is partial confirmation of a Herder in Rockville, Maryland U.S.
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    We were discussing a certain company, that there were no more Herders in that particular company does not mean that there were no more Herders left in the world!

    Neil Miller likes this.
    "Call me Ishmael"

  2. #22
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    Does anyone know anything about Daniel Herder and a date range? I read somewhere that both Ohligs and Solingen being on the tang dates it before 1920 or thereabouts .

  3. #23
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cezzna View Post
    Does anyone know anything about Daniel Herder and a date range? I read somewhere that both Ohligs and Solingen being on the tang dates it before 1920 or thereabouts .
    I borrowed this from a knife forum. Best I could find yet:

    Name:  1896DanielHerder.jpg
Views: 1922
Size:  45.5 KB

    " The above link shows a Daniel Herder advertisement, published in Solingen in 1896.
    It states the year 1810 for foundation and reads in English language:
    Factory of table knives, forks. bread-, butchers’, vegetable, pocket knives, scissors etc., also for export.

    It is reported that Daniel Herder ( 1770 – 1843 ) established his firm in 1810 under his own name as successor of Clemens Herder company (founded in 1770), followed by Gebrüder Herder company [Herder Broth.], who re-named his business in 1794.

    Solingen directories are listing Daniel Herder as cutlery manufacturer still in1929 with the owners Alfred, Rudolph, Richard and Walter Herder at Walderstr. 34. I did not yet research for the following years.

    The blade marking Ohligs should date the knife prior 1929, when this Solingen suburb merged with Solingen. Post 1929 made knives usually were marked Solingen or Solingen-Ohligs.
    I assume that the knife was crafted even prior to 1929, as Daniel Herder company registered “DAHERO” as brandname for cutlery in 1925 or 1926.
    The trademark of the “crown topped with a cross” has a special rank (?) in regards to the “German” 1800s trademark laws, as it was one of “public marks”.

    Your link to German archieves is listing several Herder names along with the Daniel Herder one. It shows up, that some records of Daniel Herder cutler are on file for 1905 through 1958 period. In particular it says that the records are including documentation in regards to legal disputes concerning the use of the name Herder. There must have been a lot of legal disputes concerning various Herder companies. "

    Neil Miller and Martin103 like this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    Neil Miller (05-20-2013)

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