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Thread: SRP LE Robert Williams razor or Thiers Issard Le Grelot with C135 steel/vintage

  1. #1
    Senior Member Attila's Avatar
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    Default SRP LE Robert Williams razor or Thiers Issard Le Grelot with C135 steel/vintage

    Hello Gentlemen,

    I'm already leaning in one particular direction as I am sure many of you will be! However, I am looking at ordering one of these razors for myself to hopefully cure my SRAD. Also, before anyone suggests get both...that is simply not an option and continuing to stay married!

    I am particularly interested in the oppinions of those that own both kinds, but any and all oppinions would be welcome. I would also very much be interested in the shave characteristics. I have done a lot of research on my own, but I would very much value the oppinion of those of you in the know here. I have sensitive skin and a fairly coarse beard. Also, I have only been shaving with a straight razor for about a month now. My shaves are certainly getting better and better and I am quite certain that this is something I will be continuing for the rest of my life.

    Thanks in advance and great shaves to everyone!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sunbird's Avatar
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    A hard choice.
    I do have a couple of vintage Le Grelots which are both excellent shavers and the SRP is on its way.
    I think that you would be happy with either for a while

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Both are great shavers. You won't go wrong with either however the SRP razor is a custom class limited edition razor. No contest to me which I would get.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member Attila's Avatar
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    Thank you for the advice gentlemen! Any further input from others who own either or both is also welcome!

  5. #5
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    I own the SRP LE (#5), but have not used a Le Grelot. It's not for a lack of want, since they've been on my List for many years now. Given the choice of the two I'd say the Robert Wiliams LE is the better bet, since no more than 200 will ever be produced, and it's a great shaver. Not that the TI would be a bad choice; the supply seems to have dwindled over the last couple years (and prices have dramatically increased as a result) but they can still be found from time to time. SRP razors, on the other hand, will be a lot more collectable IMO.

  6. #6
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Hi Attila,

    First, the Le Grelot is a vintage name by Thiers Issard, but the C135 Carbonsong steel is fairly current, so it's a vintage style, of current production.

    Pros & cons....

    The Le Grelot is a straight edge blade, i.e. not smiling, so stropping and honing are little more straight forward and IMO a little easier to learn. T.I.'s are excellent shavers, and the Carbonsong steel takes and holds a nice edge.

    Some of the cons on T.I.'s are mostly quality control. Not too unusual to have blades that do not line perfectly between the scales, and sometimes uneven grinds on the blades.

    The SRP L.E. is a very nice razor and shaves very nice too, but it is a smiling blade and therefore is a little (more challenging), different, to hone and strop.

    Cons... You could have a long wait getting on the list now.


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  8. #7
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I love my smiling blades a lot more then my regular blades. They see the most action in my shave den. Just my 2 cents.
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  9. #8
    Senior Member Attila's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for the very helpful replies (especially Howard for the breakdown)! I'm still pretty torn, though the SRP is so beautiful... My hats off to the designers and of course Mr. Williams, the craftsman!
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  10. #9
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    I can't comment on the SRP LE but I just got a new C135 Le Grelot like full hollow. It was honed up by Glen, and it is an incredible shaver. You won't be disappointed.

  11. #10
    Senior Member Dllandry's Avatar
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    I have both get the SRP no crapshoot on QC with SRP.

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