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  1. #1
    Senior Member Kaden101's Avatar
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    Default Whoops - I broke my scales - turned out good in the end

    I haven't been on the forum for ages, been through a rough patch, lost my job a couple of months back so been kind of busy looking for a new one. Started my new job today so that's good.

    On topic though, I broke the scales on my IE classic razor - cleaning the thing after a shave of all things.

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    I contacted Steve at the Invisible Edge & he was nothing but helpful. It wasn't covered by warranty but he agreed to do them cheaply as a goodwill gesture, he even let me select a better set of scales & pay the small additional amount. I've now got :
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    It was a very quick turnaround, & needless to say, I couldn't be happier with the service I've received there, & my straight now looks awesome.

    7 months from getting my 1st straight, I'm still getting better, but need more practice with weak points like not getting BBS on my neck (but I'm close). I nearly gave it up at one point when I tried to cut my chin off, but I'm glad I stuck with it.
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  2. #2
    lz6 is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth lz6's Avatar
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    Glad to have you back and to hear you found a new job and your straight has been repaired. Things are looking up.

    "God is a Havana smoker. I have seen his gray clouds" Gainsburg

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to lz6 For This Useful Post:

    Kaden101 (06-25-2013)

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