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Thread: Sun September 22nd - Sat September 28th

  1. #91
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Razor – A. Barrett & Sons, 93 & 94 Piccadilly
    Brush – Pixelfixed custom badger
    Soap – Valobra menthol
    AST – Osma Alum
    AS – Captains Choice, Cat-o-Nine tails

    I just now got a chance to post this morning shave. This shoulder less Sheffield is about a ¼ hollow with original Ivory scales that are spotless. Pixelfixed’s badger brush is blooming nicely. The beautiful lignum vitae grain pattern glows. Have a great rest of the week in shaves.

  2. #92
    Please dont mind my bad english, i´ Rockabillyhelge's Avatar
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    First Test of my Soviet Razor, Utro made by STIZ 1970.

    Pre: Hot Shower
    Soap: D.R. Harris Arlington Shaving Soap
    Brush: Semogue 830
    Strop: No Strop, only a few Strokes over my Denim
    Razor: STIZ "Utro" (russ. Morning) in 6/8" 1/1 Hollow
    Directions: With/Tangential/Against the Grain
    After: Red Moscow EdT (Originally a Woman Scent, but i love and could die for
    that heavy, sweet Smell of Lillies).

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  3. #93
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Filarmonica 14 Especial 8/8
    Kanayama cordovan #8000
    Morris & Forndran L7
    Mondial bergamot & Neroli
    Alum & Thayers rose & aloe toner
    Una Brennan rose moisturiser
    Creed Tabarome Millisime Eau de parfum

    This Filarmonica 14 is by far one of the smoothest razors I own to shave with, and for such a big razor it's still surprisingly nimble and extremely easy to manoeuvre.

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  4. #94
    Senior Member lotse's Avatar
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    Thursday morning:

    Mike´s Orange, Cedarwood & Black Pepper
    Morris & Forndran " The Chief"
    Medaille Arg(en)t Dumas Aine 6/8
    Boots Bay Rum Aftershave
    Guerlain Habit Rouge EdT

    This is the sibling of the razor shown yesterday. It is slightly smaller and has a more smiling blade.
    The shave was excellent.

    Have a nice day!

  5. #95
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSomebody View Post
    Nice Razor Carl, do you find that you rinse the blade less often during the shave because the blade holds more lather?
    Ta. Well, I could be a bit of a smart arse and reply that I NEVER rinse the blade (which I don't; I wipe) but yeah, it does hold a good deal of lather.
    JoeSomebody likes this.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
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  6. #96
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Razor | Burrell Top Flight | Soap | Proraso | After Shave | Myrosol Aqua de Limón

    I think Proraso is actually a VERY good soap, in regards to latherability.

    MS Word says ‘latherability’ is not a word, but we all know Word is full of shit.

    I worked out my new rotation last night (while ironing). It’s rather intricate in regards to the logic. I rotate based on the need to have a nice razor on certain days (i.e. one needs a very nice razor on a Sunday – one’s best razor, as well as a nice razor on a Monday – due to Mondayitis; Friday’s razor can have a less than perfect edge due to Friday being a day where stubble of some degree is allowable).

    A nice sunny day today, and a good gym workout at lunchtime. All in all a good day, dampened somewhat by me filling my fountain pen at my bedroom desk with Private Reserve Sherwood Green ink and getting it on my shirt sleeve. Luckily my laundering skills are as well honed (‘scuse the pun) as my shaving skills.


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    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  7. #97
    Senior Member harrygr's Avatar
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    Kropp 11/16”
    Omega 98
    Mitchell's Wool Fat, soap
    Face Lather
    Neil Miller-2.5" Latigo Leather
    Truefitt & Hill 1805, ASL
    WTG, XTG & ATG (neck)

    Great shave today. The Kropp is such a sweet shaver!


  8. #98
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Proraso|G5|Mtn.Badger|MNS Lime|W&B 13/16"|ProrasoAS|Iggy's Balm
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    Gotta love that sweet smooth sheffield steel. Relaxing 3 pass shave and it's off to work feeling like a king.
    Have a Great Thursday Gents!
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  9. #99
    Senior Member johnnypipe's Avatar
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    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Prep: Speick Natural Soap/Truefitt & Hill PreShave Oil
    Razor: Tradere SB with Personna Med Prep Blade
    Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Brush: Vulfix Strand Boar
    Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
    Post: Krampert's Finest Bay Rum


    "Younger than some, older than most" - Wet shaving for 50+ years

  10. #100
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Prep - None
    Soap - EJ "Sea Buckhorn"
    Brush - Muhle XL synthetic
    Strop - Neil Miller 3 inch Cordovan leather/English linen
    Razor - Shumate "Shumate's Trusty"
    Post - Alum block
    AS - Aqua Velva Ice Blue

    Cold water face lathered shave.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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