
Simpson Chubby 1 in Super getting hot in the Moss Scuttle
Dr. Harris Arlington Pre-Shave
HoneyBee Sandalwood Soap
J.R. Torrey Gibraltar 5/8 All most all of the right side still only the cheek with the left hand. Still staying away from the chin and adams apple getting there slowly.
Gillette 1940's Gold Milord - IP Shave
3 Passes
QED Alum Stick
Em's Cucumber AS Splash
AOS ASB in Sandalwood
Pashana OriginalHair Tonic
Finished with Penhaligon's Endymion EDT

Little razor burn today . I think the last time I used HB it was the same I am not sure my Face is liking it. Give it one more try, Third times the Charm