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Thread: Sun June 07th - Sat June 13th

  1. #81
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    SOTD 09 June 2015

    Pre Shave: Floid Sandolor
    Shave Soap: RazoRock The Beach
    Brush: H. L. Thater 4125/2 3-band
    Razor: Dovo Best Quality 6/8 Full Hollow
    Strop: Razor Emporium English Bridle 3"
    Post Shave: Myrsol Formula K

  2. #82
    Senior Member blabbermouth sashimi's Avatar
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    Hot water prep
    Cocodrilo 14 razor - Scrupleworks horween strop - Custom silvertip badger brush - Maca root cream - cold splash - shea butter - Royal splash of 4711 Cologne

    SWMBO is out of town, so the 4711 can be royally splashed.
    She can't stand the smell. I dig it.
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  3. #83
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday 9 June 2015

    Tuesday 9 June 2015

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    Getting Ready to Go Back Home

    I am ready to go back home and, before leaving, I shaved with this Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, getting - as usual - the very best shave. Today I also had the time to successfully find a new bottle for my pre-shave oil. It was not easy but, at the end, I managed to get a blue bottle and this is what I wanted for my oil.

    • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
    • Soap: Negozio Leggero Hazelnut and Lavender
    • Brush: Sephora Badger 491
    • Bowl: Chinese Cheap Bowl
    • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
    • Razor: Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, 15/16 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
    • Post-Shave: Alum Block
    • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
    • After Shave: Breeze Yachting
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  4. #84
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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  5. #85
    Please dont mind my bad english, i´ Rockabillyhelge's Avatar
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    My Thursday Shave :-)

    Pre: Hot Water
    Soap: Faena Orange-Cinnamon Shaving Soap
    Brush: P&P Badger
    Strop: XXL-Juchten
    Razor: Pennsylvania Knife Co. Tidoute PA 6/8"
    Directions: With & Tangential
    After: Speick AS

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  6. #86
    Senior Member Lolita1x2's Avatar
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    SOTD Tuesday June 9, 2015

    Pre-shave: None
    Brush: Classic Edge Silvertip
    Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89BL
    Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
    Soap: Crown Shaving Co. shave cream
    AS: Ogallala Bay Rum
    Finisher: Neutrogena moisturizer

    (cold water shave...brrrrrracing)

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    Great photos everyone!

  7. #87
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    SOTD 6-9-15

    PRESHAVE: Face wash with soap and warm/hot water
    RAZOR: 1956 Gillette Red Tip (B2)
    BLADE: Voskhod (3)
    STRAIGHT: Red Imp 132
    SOAP: Mitchell's Wool Fat
    BRUSH: Tweezerman Badger
    POST: Rinse with warm/hot water to get soap off and then some cold water rinses/splashes and pat try.

    Comments: The shave today was pretty good. I started out with the straight and did the cheeks, jaw line, under the nose, part of the chin area and a little bit on the neck area (the more comfortable areas)! I had to refresh my lather as I must have been going to slow so it was trying to dry out some during the shave with the straight. I refreshed it and used the straight a couple of times in each area listed to get a feel for it and tried to go farther than the last try. I have to admit I did get pretty darn smooth on some of those areas and then finished up with a pass and some touch up with the Red Tip. Soap was great as usual and that is why I decided to use it with this straight try out. Great lather, protection and post feel. No irritation but gotta a weeper by the jawline with the straight but it disappeared just as fast as I seen it show up! I am not sure the Red Imp is actually "shave ready" but I wanted to play with it anyway! Over all I would say I had a DFS, more so with the Straight than the Gillette!

    Please feel free to leave comments on any items used as I enjoy reading them to see what others say about the gear I am using/trying out! Of course, YMMV!

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  8. #88
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    Thank you.
    When my pics get half as good as yours, I will be a happy camper.
    You are very kind!
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  9. #89
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    Razor: Bengall 7/8
    Strop: Scrupleworks
    Brush: G.A. Shavemac 28mm 2 Band Silvertip
    Lather: Meißner Exotic Elemi
    Astringent: Pitralon Classic

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  10. #90
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    June 9 - Sotd
    Prep: Noxzema face wash
    Brush: Omega 48
    Preshave: Stirling Mentha Preshave oil
    Soap: TSD Lanolin Bay Rum
    Razor: Heljestrand No 24, French point, 5/8"
    Growth: 1 day
    Post: Cold water splash, Clubman, Shower, TSD Milk sub-zero AS,
    Passes: WTG, XTG, WTG

    SWMBO commandeered the shower from me and I was on a tight schedule this morning - no time for dilly dallying. Went to strop with the poor man strop only to find that someone had managed to cut the crap out of it - nothing nice can stay out I guess! I post a pic of that later. So 30 x strops on the gemstar bench then blade to face. Three easy passes. I'm completing the 2nd pass on my neck all with the same, dominate hand. Confident getting my hand into the correct angles without cutting myself. I'm really enjoying this Swedish blade.

    Like others have mentioned with their wedge, the blade kind of "suctions" to my face on the thin, atg angles. But if I keep a good motion forward with the blade, it doesn't seem to stick to the face. No nicks or cuts today and no de clean up needed. I will need to pay closer attention to lining up my sideburns - a little jagged . Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1433903386860.jpg
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    Child of God, Husband, Father, Son

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