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Thread: Sun June 14th - Sat June 20th

  1. #51
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Razor: John Heifor, Sheffield
    Stick: Valobra
    Brush: Custom horse mane hair in horn
    Balm: Kaliflower

  2. #52
    Senior Member paciccio's Avatar
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    Tiki LandLocked
    Omega 100% Syntex
    Apollo Razor

  3. #53
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    SOTD 15 June 2015

    Pre Shave: Floid Sandolor
    Shave Soap: RazoRock XXX
    Brush: Morris & Forndran XL2 2-band Finest
    Razor: Bartmann High Class 505
    Strop: Razor Emporium English Bridle 3"
    Post Shave: Floid mentolado Vigoroso

  4. #54
    Please dont mind my bad english, i´ Rockabillyhelge's Avatar
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    A wonderful Shave with the most beautyful Razor in my Collection, a Safety on first sight but the Blade offers the full fun of a very fine tempered rigid Blade similar to the Swedish Engström Frameback Razor, i love this well designed self-sharpening (up to a A+ HHT) Razor :-)

    Pre: Hot Water
    Soap: Faena Mastic Shaving Soap
    Brush: Vulfix 404 Grosvenor MIxed
    Strop: No Strop, only the self-sharpening mechanism of the Razor
    Razor: DeHaven Synchrokeen "Shake-Sharp"
    Directions: With / Tangential
    After: Old Spice AS

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  5. #55
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    SOTD 6-15-15

    PRESHAVE: Face wash with soap and warm/hot water
    RAZOR: Matador Mastiff head with MR1 handle
    BLADE: Platinum Lux (2)
    SOAP: CRSW Jardin d'Orange
    BOWL: Steel
    BRUSH: Tweezerman Badger
    POST: Rinse with warm/hot water to get soap off and then some cold water rinses/splashes and pat try.

    Comments: The shave today was very good! I started out with a two day growth. This was my first shave with the Matador "Mastiff" aggressive head and I was very impressed! It is a very inexpensive head, like $10 but cuts the beard like nobody's business! The head is somewhat aggressive but pretty smooth and really quite efficient. I mean it does what it is suppose to do and you can use a bit of pressure in the tough areas without the feeling of the blade is cutting you up. I achieve a DFS/BBS in three passes which the third was more touch up in a few areas rather than a full pass! I am very surprised at its performance! I put the MR1 handle on it as I only purchased the head based on someone's recommendation that I should try it! The handle fit well and matched up quite nicely to the head so this will be my inexpensive travel razor for sure. I prefer somewhat aggressive razors and now with this, I will not feel bad if something happens to it on the road or I lose it. I dont know where it is actually made and the head looks kinda cheap and has a few flaws/scraps as received but for the money, you will not find a better one if you want something a bit more aggressive! Soap, this is also the first time I used the CRSW period and also first for this flavor of it. It is a very good soap! I have no issues with the lather, protection or slickness! The scent is pretty weak which is okay for me as I don't like strong scented soaps but even this one could use a little more scent, very hard to pickup on. No irritation and no weepers/nicks! A very good shave today indeed!

    I am trying not to use the term "aggressive" as much as I did and everyone does when describing a razor head. I use smooth/efficient more so as to the actual shave one gets from using the razor because I think aggressive is an overly used term. I prefer aggressive razors but now I prefer razors that don't seem aggressive but are very smooth and very efficient! Does that mean they are "Aggressive", I don't know but to me that term means more so of actually feeling the blade on your face cutting! This head and the Wolfman's are two heads that I don't really feel the blade on my skin but they just work great in getting a DFS/BBS shave without doing a bunch of passes and still have to do some touch up. I prefer the two pass with a bit of touch up vs the three or four pass shave which to me means a better chance of irritation and/or of getting nicks!

    Please feel free to leave comments on any items used as I enjoy reading them to see what others say about the gear I am using/trying out! Of course, YMMV!

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  6. #56
    Senior Member PatrickA51's Avatar
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    SOTD 15 Jun 15

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    Razor: ATT R-1 88 mm Kronos Handle
    Razor Blade: Wilkinson Sword
    Brush: Whipped Dog 30/65mm Silver Tip Badger Black & White Marbled Resin Handle
    Bowl: VDH Luxury Mug
    Shower: Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap Tea Tree Liquid Soap
    Shampoo: Neutrogena T/Gel Therapeutic Shampoo - Extra Strength
    Pre-Shave Face Wash: Neutrogena Men Invigorating Face Wash
    Pre-Shave Oil: Stirling Coniferous Pre-Shave Oil
    Shave Soap: Stirling Soap Co. Glacial Obsidian
    Post Shave: RazoRock Alum Block
    Post Shave: Jack Black Post Shave Cooling Gel
    Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co. Coniferous

    WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angles for my beard)

    What worked well on Friday worked good today.(technique)
    I got a BBS/DFS with "No Nicks or Weepers"
    I used my Stirling Glacial for Menthol Monday.
    Maybe after all of these years I have finally learned how to shave?
    Remember "Without Trucks and Truck Drivers" America Stops !
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    --... ...-- / -.. . / .-- -.... .--. . .-

  7. #57
    Senior Member Iasonas's Avatar
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    Brushguy 22mm super silvertip
    Proraso Green soap
    Cougar 11/16"
    Brummel ASL

  8. #58
    Senior Member Oscar1953's Avatar
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    6/8 OVB (SHB)
    MW Brown Windsor
    homemade synthetic
    I found this blade in a drawer this weekend. I'd totally forgotten about it. I'm not wild about the scales I came up with but delighted with the blade. Jimped top and bottom and took a very nice edge. Nice shave today. Have a good one.

  9. #59
    Senior Member Lolita1x2's Avatar
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    SOTD Monday June 15, 2015

    Pre-shave: None
    Brush: Classic Edge Silvertip
    Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89BL
    Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
    Soap: Proraso Red
    AS: Pinaud clubman
    Finisher: 444

    (cold water shave...brrrrrracing)

    Name:  June 15, 2015.jpg
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    Great photos everyone!

  10. #60
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    First wedge shave is an ugly unrestored (but honed) butchered John Tupton's Celebrated Sheffield razor I bought years ago and forgot about, but today I put an edge on it with a coticule and stroped the crap out of it and made a shaver....I dig the weight and the plowing ability...I'm sold on a wedge. This one is 65g. I use that huge Omega boar brush and green proraso creme and aftershave for those who care...

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    Last edited by JimDaddy; 06-16-2015 at 02:04 AM.

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