Tuesday, 3.8.2016

Warm Water Splash
D.R.Harris Arlington Shave Soap
New Forest #2201 2 Band
Fromm Special #72 5/8
Scrupleworks Vegetable Tanned Horse .. 60/60
Witch Hazel
Ogallala Bay Rum .. Limes&Peppercorns AfterShave Splash

A long story about the Fromm razor... My Mother-in-Law passed a year ago January. While going through her things, this razor appeared, having belonged to my Father-in-Law, who passed fifteen years earlier. I never knew he had it... due to genetics, he never had much beard to shave, but we got along famously, and he was a good friend to me. Purely by chance, it turned out to be a great shaver.
In any case, this iteration of it's edge is off my storied SALM coticule. This razor will appear in the future for the time being, as I conduct more experiments with different coticules...

A nice shave ...