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Thread: Sunday August 16 ~ Saturday August 22

  1. #61
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    22 August 2020

    * Blackbird Brass SB 101
    * Wizamet Iridium Super
    * WSP 2-Band + Oscar11 Aquamarine C7
    * Mystic Water Poggio dei Pini
    * Unrefined Shea Butter
    * Bergamot/Vetiver EO

    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  2. #62
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Razor: Johan Engstrom/Edward Zinn Co., NY 11/16
    Strop: Tony Miller & Mastro Livi
    Brush: Synthetic
    Soap: Lea
    Balm: Proraso white
    Finale: Terre D’Hermes
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  3. #63
    Senior Member RussellR5555's Avatar
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    Saturday's Shave

    Preshave - African Black Soap
    Soap - Speick Cream/ S.V Tundra Artica
    Brush - Wild West Brush Works Synbad 24mm
    Razor - The Halward 11/16 Straight
    Splash - Aqua Velva Ice Blue
    Balm - Bart's Bergamot and Vanilla
    EDT - CK Obsession

    No joy with the Speick cream it started to burn , I just don't get on with Creams in tubes. Supplemented for the the last of the SV Tundra Artica , wonderful soap and it takes a long time to finish an SV Puck !!

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  4. #64
    Junior Member 54gasp's Avatar
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    Holy black Lavender creeper

    Alpha outlaw

    IC Vincent

    Myrsol agua balsamica

  5. #65
    Senior Member ischiapp's Avatar
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    Default SOTD 20200822 Cera Una Volta

    SOTD 20200822 Cera Una Volta
    by IschiaPP @ Forio
    Bat71 “PP73”
    Prugno (Plum), Abalone, Oumo Mother Lode, 28x53x115mm
    Saponificio Varesino 1945 "Felce Aromatica"
    Beta 4.3 Reformulated, Aluminium Limited Edition 2017 / Dopo Barba Lozione
    Colonial Razors "The General V1"
    Aluminium 6061, Black Anodized B1, 44g, 50x96mm
    Sapphoo Red #35
    Kai Captain Titan Mild MG ProTouch Replica
    Sample by klopp@ilRasoio
    #Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
    #ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
    #WaxUponATime #CeraUnaVolta
    #ShavingSoap #AUgust #Test

    Full size:
    The Police - Spirits In The Material World
    Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
    Greeting from Ischia. Pierpaolo @

  6. #66
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Saturday's Shave
    'Feathers & Bones'
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  7. #67
    Senior Member Jgreenepa's Avatar
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    Well, I confirmed my suspicions. The Dilucot method, originally developed as a way of honing razors using a single stone (Belgian Coticule) and a series of slurries of decreasing grit dilutions also works beautifully with my jasper stone. I used a coarse DMT plate to generate the slurries which are then successively diluted until finally one is honing with just water alone. In the case of my Double Duck, my son, Ben, had already set a great bevel. When I examined the edge he’d built with his 30k stone using a 60x jeweler’s loupe, I noticed metal feathers along its length. There was no need to go through the full process. So I very gently ran the edge over the face of the fine side of my jasper hone.

    Reexamination with the loupe revealed the flattening and or elimination of the chaff I’d observed earlier along the entire length of the edge on both sides. For the next task I built a very thin slurry with the DMT plate and did 40 circles (20 clockwise & 20 counterclockwise) followed by 20 back and forth strokes. I then finished in water using back and forth strokes until the blade began to stick to the face of the stone. The blade passed the tomato slicing test and was popping hairs to beat the band at that point. I lathered up and discovered that I’d built the kind of buttery smooth edge that was a joy to shave with. I’ll admit that I really enjoyed the process of building an edge that I liked which then delivered me to VBBS land on my mug both above and below the jawline.

    The Silversmith with the same Feather blade as yesterday shaved every bit as well as my new Tradere. An examination and comparison of the two head geometries revealed a very similar design. In any case my dome shave today was the usual 1 1/2 pass (ATG, ATG) VBBS. I feel cool, clean, and amazingly velveteen. My MrEE 007 brush performed in its usual superb fashion throughout the shave. The cooling MWF lather was a delight to shave with, as usual. I have four pucks of the stuff, so I’m set for the next few years. It’s a beautiful, sunny day here in the Philadelphia suburbs. I wish all my shave brothers and sisters a great day!

    Tomorrow is the actual test of the DiluJasper method from bevel set through finish. I purchased a Puma Solingen razor for virtually nothing ($5), yesterday evening from a local cutlery dealer in Adamstown, PA who complained that he was never able to get a decent edge from it. Ben was with me by phone and encouraged me to buy it. He suspected the blade may be slightly warped and that’s why it may have not yielded to a standard honing progression. Well it failed the tilt ‘n wobble test revealing that it definitely needed a bevel set. Ben, after examining it, felt that I should set the bevel on the 1000 grit Chosera stone and then complete the honing on my jasper stone using decreasing slurry dilutions. So that’s the project for tomorrow’s mug shave. My first complete honing job from bevel set to finish on a problematic straight razor.

    RAZOR: Double Duck Goldedge (Mug), Colonial Silversmith (Dome)
    BLADE: Feather DE (2)
    PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
    BRUSH: MrEE Knurled Aluminum Handle Hybrid Knot
    SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
    POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Old Spice Fresh Lime AS Splash and Cremo Cooling Post Shave Balm.
    De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV )

  8. #68
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    ~Lipshaw/Neil Miller Bridle~
    ~Texas 2-Band~
    ~Trumper's Limes~

  9. #69
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    A Spike/Nivea day here;

    Razor: Spike Straight Razor by Union Cutlery
    Brush: Shaving Station Badger
    Soap: Nivea Men (tube)
    Astringent: Homebrew Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil, Willow Bark, Aloe Vera
    Aftershave: Nivea Sensitive Cooling

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    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  10. #70
    Senior Member Purvis's Avatar
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    SOTD August 22

    dublduck Goldedge

    Heirloom Razor Strop Co. Horsehide Old No.2

    Proraso Omega Boar Brush

    Fine Green Vetiver Soap and AS

    Guerlain Vetiver edt
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