The history of mankind as been marred by killing ever since the first humans lived on earth. As civilization developed, the killing became more organized. Over a century ago, the author George Santayana penned the words "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Thus, it is fitting that we take time to remember those who have died in war in hope that we do not make do not find ourselves making the same mistakes of our predecessors that will lead to more war.

As it has now been more than a century since the "war to end all wars" came to a conclusion. Unfortunately, the idealistic slogan of World Ware I lasted only a short while as a couple of decades later the origins of World War II began to develop. Now we might be on the verge of World War III, which very well could be the war to end civilization as we know it.

For those who find themselves near Kansas City, MO, I highly recommend taking a few hours to stop by the World War I memorial. As the decades have passed, few of us have much knowledge of this war that took the lives of 10 million soldiers and another 10 million civilians around the world.

As bad as that war was, the 2nd World War was worse. It took the lives of 15 million soldiers and 38 million civilians. Even that war did not end the tendency for nation to fight against nation. It seems that a temporary cease fire is the best we can hope for.