Hot water in coffee mug
nice looking deer horn-handled brush into hot water
I wrung out the brush and fump! badger hair detached from horn handle.
Several attempts to lather using handle fail
Analog clock on wall ticking off the seconds before I am late for work
4 Year old boy wondering what all the is about
More water on drying face
Chinese badger brush in hot water
More proraso shaving cream
A blast of water from the faucet
Decent lather, surprisingly, quickly rubbed through beard
Nicked Tony Miller strop
4 Year old using Chinese eBay brush applied lather to face and ears then was booted out of bathroom
Freshly honed and nick-stropped 5/8 Wostenholm in a WTG XTG hybrid maneuver
Presentable shave, no razorburn, no redness, no nicks
Lots of stubble