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Thread: SOTD Monday 2/13- Sunday 2/19
02-19-2006, 03:56 PM #11
Dovo Special 6/8
Vulfix Super Badger 374
Tony Miller Strop
Saint Charles New Spice Soap
Pinadu Lime Musk
Shaved before my shower. Washed face with how water
for a minute or so. Very close shave.
02-19-2006, 08:29 PM #12
Another Step Up
Lush Ambrosia cream
Wostenholm Pipe Razor
thayer's Witch Hazel w. Aloe
Nice shave today. Got the razor shaving nicely now, Ed.
02-21-2006, 07:14 AM #13
shower then hot towel
surrey mug soap
5/8 Genco spike
Old Spice
This razor almost looks like a DE blade under 60X and it shaves as good as it looks. Glen
02-21-2006, 04:44 PM #14
For 17 Feb. 06:-
Hot shower
Dovo Special 5/8"
T&H Trafalgar Cream
T&H Pre-Shave Oil
Taylor Badger Brush
Coral Skin Food
Clubman Styptic Pencil!!!
Only one pass, so not a terribly smooth shave. Cut myself a good one on the left cheek and it took a while to stop the bleeding.
02-22-2006, 04:02 AM #15
I can't believe I posted in the wrong week