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  1. #181
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tat2Ralfy View Post
    How did you find the Tabac?
    is it a keeper

    Ralfson (Dr)
    Well, it´s actually a very, very good hard soap. When I used it today I was thinking: "should I really get rid of this one?". But the answear is "yes", since I think the ones I´m gonna keep is better, but this one could slip by and find a place in the shaving cabinet (that my wife keeps on calling the bath room cabinet ;-)). But back to the question: try this: they ship world wide for free and have good prices, BUT it takes forever, at least for me (4-8 weeks).

    But Ralfy, I could send you a puck, since I got almost a full one in a dish + a new refill. PM me, you´ll have it for free. I must make room for Nannys soaps .

  2. #182
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Well, it´s actually a very, very good hard soap. When I used it today I was thinking: "should I really get rid of this one?". But the answear is "yes", since I think the ones I´m gonna keep is better, but this one could slip by and find a place in the shaving cabinet (that my wife keeps on calling the bath room cabinet ;-)). But back to the question: try this: they ship world wide for free and have good prices, BUT it takes forever, at least for me (4-8 weeks).

    But Ralfy, I could send you a puck, since I got almost a full one in a dish + a new refill. PM me, you´ll have it for free. I must make room for Nannys soaps .
    Thanks for the kind offer however I meant "how do you like the tabac?" hahaha

    Although I do have a good friend that would be very grateful of a puck, I could pm you his details if thats cool?

    I have it and its a keeper for sure, never totally sure on the scent but the lather it makes is IMHO outstanding

  3. #183
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Iridium Super Stainless
    Palmolive SC
    Semogue 1438
    Spanish Floid AS

  4. #184
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    Default Dovo day

    Soap: Tabac
    Brush: Shavemac Custom (23mm in Pure)
    Razor: Dovo Special 6/8 Full Hollow (20 Linen, 100 Red Latigo)
    Splash: Constanza Bay Rum
    Lotion: Proraso Pre/Post
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  5. #185
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    Razor: Bic Sensitive
    Soap: Cream soap "X"
    Brush: Crabtree & Evelyn Travel Brush Balm
    Aftershave: Alum Block / St. Charles Shave Bay Rum
    Cologne: CO Bigelow Bay Rum EdC

    Really don't know why I grabbed the Bic this morning. Guess I just wanted to shake things up a little. Gave a damn fine shave though!

  6. #186
    Soap Slut sfcablecar's Avatar
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    Default SOTD 6-5-10

    Otto Busch Weltmeister | Heinrich L. Thäter Chubby | Monsavon | L'Occitane Cade

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  7. #187
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    Saturday, 6.5.10

    Aura Glow Pre Shave Oil
    Überlather consisting of Williams SS, Real Shaving Co. SC and 12 drops Pure Glycerine
    Semogue #830 SuperBoar
    Krusius Brothers Eaton 86 blade
    Tony Miller Heirloom strop 30Linen/55 Latigo
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Aqua Velva Musk

    A great start to what promises to be another steamy day!
    The überlather is worth a little extra effort for the luxurious feel and super glide..
    The Eaton 86 performed yeoman's duties superbly..

    BTW... Great SOTD pics this week bruthas!

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  8. #188
    Senior Member Stroker's Avatar
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    SOTD Saturday June 5, 2010

    Razor: 6/8 C.V. Haljestrand Eskilstuna French Point
    Soap: Ogallala Bay Rum and Sandalwood
    Mug: Ceramic Clipper
    Brush: Medium Badger
    ASB: Nivea Replenishing
    Aftershave: Ogallala Bay Rum

    BBS Shave this morning with the Helje! All the reports about the great performance of this razor were absolutely correct; this is an outstanding shaver! Really great photos this week Gentlemen and it's great to see so many new (old) members joining in with their outstanding shots for our enjoyment! Thanks for sharing.
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  9. #189
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tat2Ralfy View Post
    Thanks for the kind offer however I meant "how do you like the tabac?" hahaha

    Although I do have a good friend that would be very grateful of a puck, I could pm you his details if thats cool?

    I have it and its a keeper for sure, never totally sure on the scent but the lather it makes is IMHO outstanding
    Ohhps, sorry. Yeah, that´s cool, PM me, but since it´s not you he´ll have to pay shipping (if not a member here), it´s like 4.3 gbp I think (slightly less than what they cost, I guess). Sorry for this. Thank you all for really nice pics!

  10. #190
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    Default Saturday Midday

    The Prep today was 1 1/2 hr bike ride in muggy Miami
    Followed by Hot Shower
    Uberlather TOBS Lavender Soap & Cream 3 drops Glycerine
    24mm TGN Extra Hair custom
    Redneck Scuttle
    Fredrick Reynolds 9/16th honed on Shaptons up to 16K
    Realm AS Balm

    Results Extra relaxing smooth BBS. Off to wine tasting with Mrs. Lu

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