This was the best shave of my life today.

Razor: Freshly honed Thiers-Issard with horn scales
Brush: Theirs-Issard badger hair in horn
Soap: Gentlemen's Best Signature Series
Preshave Prep: Art of Shaving Sandalwood Oil
Postshave: Alum Block, then Art of Shaving Sandalwood Balm

I don't think I ever realized that my razor wasn't quite perfectly honed, but I just got a package with my Naniwa Waterstones and my SRD Premium English Bridle Strop, and I refreshed my razor and then shaved with it. Literally like a knife through hot butter. The smell of a freshly honed razor slicing through a good hot lather is something without compare, as well.

Anyway, glad I finally now know what I'm aiming for with every straight shave. Best experience with a razor I've ever had!
