Haydn Randall & Co. 5/8
Semogue 2009 LE #19
Mama Bear's Dublin Tweed ss
Thayers Astringent WH w/ aloe
Three Crowns Indian Sandalwood a/s balm
SCS Sandalwood Edt

After another day off from shaving (I like to take a day off after a BBS shave) led me to the Haydn Randall, a square point Solingen that's part of my rotation that does not get used as much as others (maybe then it's not part of my rotation?). Be that as it may, a very good shave with the Mama Bear's glycerin soap that purports to resemble the Green Irish Tweed scent ( I wouldn't know). I like the lather I can produce with it and used it for a head shave as well. The Three Crowns goes a long way and decided to stick with the sandalwood with the SCS Edt, always a favorite.