Thursday, 8.19.10

Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue SOC UltimaBoar
John Holler Tower Brand 6/8ths
SRD Premium 1 strop .. 40 Linen/80 Leather... and lovin' it!
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Lucky Tiger Aspen AS

Will be workin' dogs again as the weather starts to moderate and we can start movin' some birds... lookin' forward to it... It's been a loooong, hot summer!
As an added bonus, a sackful of MWF came in the post from the UK... I'm set for life.. And what could be better??

BTW, Awesome SOTD pics this week, everyone!

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