Pre: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest silvertip (and two band)
Razor C V Heljestrand no: 4
Soaps: Myrica glycerin (Citrus Silk)
AS: Old Spice Fresh Lime
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean
Soap test day: The Myrica worked, but needs more glide/slippery, but I liked it and the scent is very nice and high class, I think. The Citrus Silk has a lovely scent but it didn´t take off, so I didn´t use it - to dry and I couldn´t get the bubbles out of it. This was my first go with the soaps though, so take it with a grain of salt. I love this blade, very competent and even though I would have enjoyed more glide from the soap, I ended up uberclean