Prep:Hot shower
Brush: 22mm Custom Super Silvertip in East Indian Rosewood
Strop:SRD PIV English Bridle
Cream: Bomb Custom Bay & Vetiver
Razor: C Jul Herbertz
Hones: Norton 1k,4k,8k, Naniwa 12k, Asagi
After shave: Master's Bayrum
EDT: Cuba Red

Result: 3 passes this morning and I didn't want it to end. A very smooth and comfortable shave, man I'm having fun! Another antique store rescue. This one was in ok shape, I popped off the scales, cleaned them, and got rid of some scratches. Cleaned up the blade with 600, 800 paper (Safety note, don't hand sand while watching tv...I have a sliced thumbs to show for it)and then some semichrome polish. Took her to the stones and she took a beautiful edge, very very sharp, yet amazingly smooth. I've been having great success on the Asagi by honing until the stone is dry to finish and it seems to be doing wonders.

Great pics and posts this week men. Grant, your photo with the beetle was AWESOME!
Have a great Wednesday gentlemen, you've earned it!
