Pre-Shave: Hot shower
Brush: 24mm Thäter Silvertip Badger
Razor: 6/8" C.V. Heljestrand "Royal Kindal", Hollow, Round Point
Strop: 50/60 (Torolf linen/Premium IV leather)
Überlather: Black Jack "Triple Cushion" Shave Creme + QEDman "Special 218" Shave Soap + Glycerin
Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
Cologne: Alt Innsbruck EdC
Results: An awesome shave after 2-days of no shaving. The QEDman "Special 218" has a very lovely, yet strong scent...and it makes for a remarkable lather - moist, and thick. I got this soap after visiting Max and getting hooked to the scent of this soap (thanks Max ) and now, it's performance. Very nice indeed. I decided to take my Thäter for a spin and I am very glad I did. She performs just like my Shavemacs...dense with super soft tips, yet firm backbone. This brush did wonders whipping up a creamy lather in no time at all. Prepping the 2-day growth was a remarkable treat with this duo. Then came the Pièce de la résistance, the "Royal Kindal"...the edge on this beauty is to (literally) die for. Understandable, considering that she is a Swede, which are renown for their sharp, and smooth edges. This shave will go down in the books as one that was truly fit for royalty. As my friend (aka, Moonbeam) would call it: JLLS (i.e., "J.Lo Legs Smooooth") all the way. Let's see what this Monday has in store for us.


Excellent SOTDs gentlemen. Have a GREAT Monday.