My shave of the day:

1. Horrifically poor copy of the weishi razor;
2. Red Pack Personna;
3. Arko Men Adventure shaving cream;
4. Nivea Cool Kick Arctic Freeze 2 in 1 wash & shave gel; and
5. Nivea Cool Kick 2 in 1 aftershave & moisturizer.

I gotta say, tweezerman+arko adventure make one slick lather. The 6 dollar weishi copy from korea by far the most aggressive shavers I've ever used. I honestly think it was meant to de-meat animal hides. I proceeded to shave, and the first pass was a bit painful, but nothing to call the doctor over. I went on to the second pass and saw a few drops of blood... by the third pass, there was more blood, and irritation on the neck. Too close for comfort, but the Nivea ASB worked magic on it.