Had a phone interview pre-shave today, this yahoo in tennessee can't read a timezone map so he called me at 5:45 am. *THAT* was interesting... decided after we hung up that he and his job can go fly a kite. Celebrated with a nice leisurely shower and shave prior to sauntering in to work this morning.

Hot shower
T&H 1805
Edwin Jagger Best Badger
Moss Scuttle
5/8 Wade and Butcher spike point
30 trips on the Tony Miller #1 extravaganza
2 long leisurely passes with a bit of whistling and a sip or two of coffee in between strokes
TAZGMSC aftershave
Royall Lyme

Finished up with some chihuahua kisses prior to walking out the door. Today is going to be good and relaxing even if I have to wrestle it to the floor and knock a few teeth out of it's head.

-- Gary F.